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Financing for Environmental Compliance
Water Policy and Guidance

EPA has created guidance documents to assist municipal officials as they develop a financing plan to remain in or return to compliance. Below are selected links to EPA water policy and guidance documents.

Combined Sewer Overflows: Guidance for Funding Options August 1995 (PDF) (64 pp, 2.9MB, About PDF)
This document describes a broad spectrum of options that may be available to fund the capital, debt service, and operational costs of CSO controls. The benefits and limitations of the various options are presented to aid in evaluating the applicability of each option.

Interim Economic Guidance Workbook (1995)
This guidance is for use by states and EPA regional offices in considering economics at various points in the process of setting or revising water quality standards.

EPA Civil Penalty Policies
This link contains EPA's Civil Penalty Policies relating to violations or non-compliance with the environmental statutes and regulations. The listing is not inclusive of all policy and guidance document that may also be relied upon in developing enforcement actions.

The Office of Groundwater and Drinking Water
This Web page contains links to drinking water guidance and policy documents.

Laws, Regulations, Policy, Guidance and Legislation
The Office of Water maintains this Web page containing links to drinking water guidance and policy documents.

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