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For Immediate Release
March 8, 2006

News Release

“Your Health, Your Environment, Your Future”

EPA's Fifth Annual Science Forum 2006

(Washington, D.C. - March 8, 2006) The fifth annual EPA Science Forum, entitled “Your Health, Your Environment, Your Future,” will be held May 16-18 at the Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center in Washington, D.C. This year, EPA will collaborate with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences to focus on environmental issues that impact public health.

The forum, which is free to the public, will include keynote addresses, plenary sessions, poster sessions and exhibits. To register for the EPA Science Forum or for more information, visit the Web site at: www.epa.gov/scienceforum.

Note to Editor: Please consider including this announcement in your Calendar of Events section.

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