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Key Concepts

Brief Topic Quiz

To complete your review of the topic in this module, please take the self-assesement quiz by reviewing each question and considering the possible responses.

A note about the quiz:

At the bottom of this page are the answers and the password for this section. You will need each password in each of the six modules to obtain your Certificate of Completion at the end of the course.

Answer each of the questions below

1. True or False Statement: A State/Tribe cannot allow an activity that will degrade current water quality once its water quality standards are established.
  1. True
  2. False
2. Before deciding antidegradation questions, a State/Tribe must have an antidegradation program as part of its water quality standards. Such a program should include all but which one of the following?
  1. A policy on antidegradation.
  2. Identification of when the policy will be applied.
  3. Identification of decision criteria.
  4. Identification of its outstanding national resource waters (ONRWs).
True or False Statement: A State or Tribe's antidegradation policy must be identical to what EPA has outlined in the regulation (40 CFR 131.12).
  1. True
  2. False
4. Along with existing uses and high quality uses, what other category of waters must a State or Tribe's antidegradation program address?
  1. Designated uses
  2. Underground aquifers
  3. Coastal waters
  4. Outstanding national resource waters (ONRWs)
  5. All of the above
5. True or False Statement: Once a State/Tribe has established an antidegradation program and the program has been reviewed and approved by EPA, appropriate State or Tribal officials can decide degradation issues in closed-door sessions.
  1. True
  2. False

Answers and Password

  1. True or False Statement: A State/Tribe cannot allow an activity that will degrade current water quality once its water quality standards are established.

    Answer: False. In some situations a State/Tribe can permit activities that may degrade water quality back to—but not below—the level that protects existing uses.

  2. Before deciding antidegradation questions, a State/Tribe must have an antidegradation program as part of its water quality standards. Such a program should include all but which one of the following?

    Answer: Identification of its outstanding national resource waters (ONRWs). A program must include all except "Identification of its ONRWs." While the program must include provisions for addressing ONRWs, the State/Tribe is not required to designate any water bodies as ONRWs.

  3. True or False Statement: A State or Tribe's antidegradation policy must be identical to what EPA has outlined in the regulation (40 CFR 131.12).

    Answer: False. While the State or Tribe's policy must be consistent with what is outlined in the regulation, the State/Tribe has the discretion to make its policy more protective.

  4. Along with existing uses and high quality uses, what other category of waters must a State or Tribe's antidegradation program address?

    Answer: Outstanding national resource waters (ONRWs). The antidegradation program must address existing uses, high quality waters, and outstanding national resource waters (ONRWs).

  5. True or False Statement: Once a State/Tribe has established an antidegradation program and the program has been reviewed and approved by EPA, appropriate State or Tribal officials can decide degradation issues in closed-door sessions.

    Answer: False. The community and other stakeholders must be given an opportunity to provide input as part of the decision-making process.

The password for this module is ‘antidegradation.' This concludes Module 4. Please continue to Module 5.

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