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Public Health
Seattle & King County
401 5th Ave., Suite 1300
Seattle, WA 98104

Phone: 206-296-4600
TTY Relay: 711

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Emergency preparedness in Public Health


The Emergency Preparedness Program is designed to prepare Public Health - Seattle & King County for large-scale emergency or disasters. The following services are provided:

  • Coordination of emergency health services, including communicable disease control, immunizations or quarantine procedures. Coordination and staffing of Public Health Emergency Operations Center (EOC).
  • Coordination of emergency medical services including patient triage, limited first aid care and treatment of minor injuries at Public Health facilities.
  • Coordination and provision of environmental health services, including inspections for water and food contamination, vector control, inspections of temporary emergency housing and schools for proper sanitation, and disposal of disaster related solid waste.
  • Assistance to emergency medical service providers (fire departments, paramedic providers and private ambulance companies) including coordination of emergency resources (supplies and equipment) to hospitals and medical facilities.
  • Aid in the coordination of mortuary services, including investigating cause of sudden unexpected, non-natural deaths; handling mass deaths and burials; and body identification and disposition.
  • Assistance in the coordination of public information on identification and confirmation of deceased disaster victims.
  • Coordination and contracting for the provision of Critical Incident Stress Management services for emergency services workers.
  • Conducting public information and education programs on emergency health treatment, prevention and control.
  • Maintaining vital records, including collection and recording of environmental health, public health and death data and information for required operational reports.
  • Reporting to King County and municipal EOCs any damage of department facilities, equipment, or King County and City of Seattle resources.
  • Providing representatives to the Public Health emergency operations centers as required.
  • Providing public information officers.

The Red Book

Emergency operating procedures for Public Health are maintained in the Public Health - Seattle & King County Emergency/Disaster Operations Plan Red Book. These procedures include:

  • Basic Department and Division responsibilities.
  • Seattle, King County and Health Department EOC representative mobilization procedures.
  • Health Department chain of command list.
  • Health Department emergency task checklists.
  • Health Department Resource Inventories.
  • Community resource inventories.
  • Emergency purchasing, reporting and fiscal requirements.
  • Emergency Communications.
  • Emergency preparedness training program for Health Department personnel.

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