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Public Health
Seattle & King County
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Seattle, WA 98104

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TB information for health care providers

TB reporting requirements for King County providers
Physicians are required by state law to report suspected cases of active TB to the county health department within one day. Do not wait for culture confirmation, which may take up to two months, to report the case. Delayed reporting may contribute to the development of multidrug resistance and to increased transmission of infection and disease if contact investigation is delayed. A case does not need to be referred, simply reported. Quarterly status reports on each diseased patient must be furnished to the county TB control program. Positive skin test results do not need to be reported or referred, though they may be referred for further evaluation.
Tuberculosis Prevention and Control Guidelines for Homeless Service Agencies in Seattle-King County, Washington (PDF)

Targeted testing and treatment for latent TB infection (PDF)
New guidelines for targeted testing and treatment for latent TB infection (LTBI) by the CDC and the American Thoracic Sociey, these guidelines provide a strategic component of tuberculosis (TB) control that identifies persons at high risk for developing TB who would benefit by treatment of LTBI, if detected.

External links to related tuberculosis websites
Links include the CDC's Diagnostic Standards, CDC Division of TB Elimination, the Institute of Medicine TB Report, and more.