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Wild horse in western Wyoming. Wild horse training at the Steve Mantle Wild Horse Facility near Wheatland, Wyoming. Wild horse training at the Wyoming Honor Farm near Riverton, Wyoming. Wild horse at the Wild Horse Festival in Rock Springs, Wyoming. Wild horses in western Wyoming.
BLM>Wyoming>Programs>Wild Horses>Adoption Information
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Wild Horse Adoption Information

Farriers | Trainers | Veterinarians

Adoption requirements

  • Adopters must be 18 years or older.
  • Have no prior violations of adoption regulations or convictions of inhumane treatment to animals.
  • Will have no more than 4 untitled animals in the same location unless an additional screening form and employment statement are completed.
  • Adopters must be present to select their animal.


  • Corral fence: 6 feet high for horses, 4 1/2 feet for burros; 5 feet high for saddle trained horses and horses less than 18 months of age.
  • Fencing material should be rounded pipes, poles, or wooden planks. Small mesh woven wire (2"x4" or smaller) fencing with a board along the top is acceptable.
  • Minimum size for an animal is 400 square feet (i.e., 20 x 20 ).
  • Shelter must be adequate for the climate conditions prevalent in the area.
  • No barbed or electric wire is allowed in the corrals.


  • Covered stock trailers.
  • Four-horse trailers completely enclosed. (No two-horse trailers.)
  • No drop tailgates on trailers.
  • Halters of nylon webbing are best, and lead ropes at least 1" in diameter are recommended. (These must be provided by the adopter.)


  • Until titled by the BLM, animals cannot be sold or traded.
  • Animals cannot be neglected, abandoned, inhumanely treated, used as bucking stock or for other commercial purposes.
  • The nearest BLM office must be notified:
    • Within 7 days if an animal dies. A veterinarian's statement must follow.
    • If an animal is moved to a new location for more than 30 days.
  • The adopter is responsible for all expenses; there are no refunds or reimbursements.
  • 4700 Regulations

Health Care

  • Adopters will receive a copy of current Coggins test (for Equine Infectious Anemia) and a health certificate with a record of vaccinations and worming.
  • West Nile Virus Information


  • Payment may be cash, money order, cashiers check, personal check, or credit card.
  • Application Form - fillable pdf; download the free Acrobat Reader to view .pdf files