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Welcome to the International Tree Failure Database(ITFD)

The ITFD application has an internet based form for collecting important information about trees that have failed structurally. Perhaps the most significant component of the ITFD is the output reports. When the database has received a number of data entry forms for a geographic area, reports will be generated. Over time this data will reveal the characteristics of trees that fail and improve our ability to predict future failures.

To access the on line ITFD form, click the ‘login’ tab above. Existing users will enter their login name and password to begin a new form. For new users, completion of training is strongly recommended prior to obtaining a username and password. A list of training sessions is provided under the ‘help’ tab.

The ITFD was designed and developed with our initial emphasis on North America. Although it can be used for data collection and reporting of fallen trees outside of North America, the species list and a few other fields may require minor modification. If you are interested in using this application outside of North America, we encourage you to email or call for further information.

For questions, further assistance, or problems with the web site, please email ITFD

When you are finished entering records, you can Click Here to logout of ITFD.

(Note: Your browsers back button may be disabled at times to prevent losing data.)

Congratulations to Jeff Scherer for submitting the most forms for 2007

As of 7/14/2008 there were 5,562 Tree Failure Reports in the ITFD Database
