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October 11, 2008    DOL Home > About DOL > History   

Lynn Morley Martin

February 7, 1991 to January 20, 1993

From Illinois; B.A. University of Illinois, Phi Beta Kappa. Taught high school economics, government and English. Elected to county school board (1972), Illinois House (1976) and Senate (1978), and U.S. House of Representatives (1980 to 1991). She became the first woman elected to a congressional leadership post when she was chosen vice chair of the House Republican Conference.

Developed programs to promote a highly skilled, well paid workforce. These included improvements in the delivery of employment and training services and a nationwide effort to implement the recommendations of the Secretary's Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills. Established a Glass Ceiling Commission and encouraged corporations and labor organizations to promote women and minorities to top managerial levels. Initiated a model workplace program at the Department to provide leadership for the nation's employers.

Portrait Artist: Peter Egeli

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