Lightning striking the ground near Carbondale, Illinois Radar Training for Emergency Managers Lightning striking the ground near Carbondale, Illinois

By Pat Spoden, Science and Operations Officer (SOO), WFO Paducah, KY

These slide shows were originally used in 4 hour seminars. These seminars were presented in southeast Missouri, southern Illinois, western Kentucky, and southwest Indiana during the months of January and February, 2001. The slides were placed on the internet to allow the people who attended the seminars to use as a quick reference. Since this was used in the seminar, some of the material presented is not in the slide show. These slides were not created to be stand-alone material. However, there is still a lot of useful information within the slide show. If you have any questions, feel free to e-mail me, and I will try to get back to you as soon as I can.

E-mail : Pat Spoden

These presentations work with Internet Explorer Only and are currently being reviewed by peers.

The course will have 9 parts when completed

Part 3 is being converted to an Articulate presentation. In the meantime, you can download the old presentation zip files. (See below).

Notes: Due to large file sizes, a broadband or mid-speed Internet connection is recommended for viewing this presentation. Image loops in part 3 are not operational at this time.

Zip files are available for downloading the whole presentation on lower speed connections. They are located here.







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