[NIFL-WOMENLIT:2698] RE: domestic violence and our male learners

From: Bertha Mo (bertiemo@yahoo.com)
Date: Tue Sep 23 2003 - 12:40:24 EDT

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Subject: [NIFL-WOMENLIT:2698] RE: domestic violence and our male learners
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I think it's pretty sad that there aren't more
alternatives to "fight or flight."  Communications and
conflict management needs to be part of our
educational curriculum.  Does anyone even wonder at
why we have problems with war and conflict in today's

Bertie Mo, Ph.D., MPH

--- Sylvan Rainwater <sylvan@cccchs.org> wrote:
> Hmmm... "If I *had to* beat a woman ..." ??? 
> Okay, I suppose it's positive that they would rather
> leave than beat
> someone, but it's interesting that it's even in the
> list of behaviors to
> consider. Maybe it would make sense to have a
> discussion on alternative ways
> to deal with conflict, if the only two choices are
> beating or leaving.
> -------
> Sylvan Rainwater  mailto:sylvan@cccchs.org
> Program Managaer Family Literacy
> Clackamas Co. Children's Commission /  Head Start
> Oregon City, OR  USA
> -----Original Message-----
> From: nifl-womenlit@nifl.gov
> [mailto:nifl-womenlit@nifl.gov] On Behalf Of
> Daphne Greenberg
> Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 2003 8:54 AM
> To: Multiple recipients of list
> Subject: [NIFL-WOMENLIT:2696] domestic violence and
> our male learners
> In my research project, I have frequent meetings
> with my teachers to see how
> things are going. I have one male teacher and three
> female teachers. At our
> last meeting, the male teacher shared that in one of
> the read aloud books
> that he is reading out loud to his class, there is a
> description of a woman
> leaving a man who beat her. After he finished
> reading that section, various
> learners (all female) talked about their reactions
> to the woman leaving. The
> male students were quiet, and so he asked them what
> their reactions were to
> this section. They replied, "If I had to beat a
> woman, I would leave her."
> The teacher was pleased that the males in his class
> talked about leaving a
> woman instead of beating her.
> I am curious if any of you have any reactions to the
> above.
> Daphne
> Daphne Greenberg
> Associate Director
> Center for the Study of Adult Literacy
> MSC 6A0360
> Georgia State University
> 33 Gilmer Street SE Unit 6
> Atlanta, GA 30303-3086
> phone: 404-651-0127
> fax:404-651-4901
> dgreenberg@gsu.edu

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