National Institute for Literacy

[WomenLiteracy 284] Re: Call for Articles

Daphne Greenberg ALCDGG at
Tue May 9 14:09:58 EDT 2006


We have been notified by Angela Orlando, the Change Agent Editor, that the
submission date for these articles is May 12th, this Friday rather than a
week later on the 19th.


>>> ALCDGG at 5/8/2006 4:48:56 PM >>>

The Change Agent proudly announces the following call for articles:

Immigration reform has become a big political and social issue that many political leaders connect to securing our borders from terrorists. Many members of Congress support laws that would strip immigrants of many rights, make it a felony to be an undocumented immigrant, keep immigrant families separated, and deny many immigrants a path to residency or citizenship in the United States.

This issue of The Change Agent aims at helping readers to understand and sort out what's at stake. Questions for students and teachers to think about:
- How would your life be different if the United States had closed its borders to immigrants 100 (or so) years ago?
- What should the United States do to deal with the growing numbers of immigrants who want to make this country their home?
- What are your experiences and opinions related to people immigrating to the United States? Have they changed since September 11, 2001?
- What do you think about treating undocumented immigrants as criminals, as proposed by some members of Congress?
- What do you think of plans for a guest worker program in which immigrants could work for up to six years legally and pay taxes but never be eligible for citizenship and have almost no worker protections?
- What connections do you see between the current immigration debate and racism and discrimination?
- What connections do you see between economic policies, such as NAFTA, and immigration patterns where many people endure great hardship to come to the United States in hopes of a better life for themselves and their families?

All articles must be received by May 19, 2006. All articles will be considered. Suggested length is 500-1,200 words. Final decisions are made by The Change Agent editorial board. A stipend of $50 will be paid to each adult education student whose work is accepted for publication in this issue.

Please send material (by email or PC disk) to:Angela Orlando, EditorNew England Literacy Resource Center/World Education44 Farnsworth St., Boston, MA 02210Phone: 617-482-9485 fax: 617-482-0617email: aorlando at

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