National Institute for Literacy

[WomenLiteracy 620] Re: Update on Women and Literacy list

sjrhodes at sjrhodes at
Mon Oct 23 17:34:42 EDT 2006

It is time, in my opinion, to include lesbian women as a group of women, not necessarily based on race. I don't believe this would dilute the issues, but rather, be an inclusive discussion.
What do you think?

----- Original Message -----
From: Sandyajackson at
Date: Monday, October 23, 2006 1:17 pm
Subject: [WomenLiteracy 618] Re: Update on Women and Literacy list
To: womenliteracy at (The Women and Literacy Discussion List)

> I agree Audrey..

> And I wonder why 'Women literacy' with 'Poverty, Race' why not

> 'health literacy' and Poverty, Race?

> I also know that Dr Greenberg will do an excellent job in

> monitoring

> Sandra Jackson


> Audrey Ambrosino <audrey at> wrote:


> >I, too, agree that the merging of the list is not in the best

> interest of the list users or those they serve. Clearly, there is

> some overlap, but I believe that each population has distinct

> needs and issues. Merging the lists does seem to indicate that

> marginalized people should be thought of a unitary group. Reminds

> me of the early days of the multicultural movement, where

> multicultural was often the catch-all phrase for those other than

> the dominant group. Also, I fear that the amount of information

> being delivered through this new pipeline will be unwieldy and

> overwhelming to both list managers and consumers.

> >

> > I also wonder about the motivation for the merger and wonder if

> list users were consulted and polled beforehand. While I

> understand that some lists are more active than others, I would

> argue that as long as a list is serving the needs of its

> subscribers and is being used on a regular basis, as are both of

> the lists in question, then it is valuable.

> >

> > Lastly, I wonder if there is potential to reverse this decision

> and what collective action would be needed to pursue a reversal.

> >

> > Audrey Ambrosino

> > Graduate Student, Educational Psychology Doctoral Program

> > Georgia State University

> >

> >

> >

> >Barbara Petersohn <libbsp at> wrote:

> > I am dissapointed that there is not support for individual

> lists for

> >these topics because often professionals are trying to focus their

> >current events awareness through discussion lists like these and

> want to

> >target specific topics. Consolidation of lists creates a flood of

> >off-topic posts in one's mail box to have to review and delete.

> >

> >Not that we couldn't learn more from monitoring a variety of lists,

> >it's just that when scanning several lists, as part of your job or

> >professional interests, one also also has to spend time to

> reviewing and

> >deleting so many additional postings that are not relevant.

> >

> >Oh well...

> >Barbara Petersohn

> >

> >>>> "Laurie Sheridan" 10/23/2006 9:13 AM

> >>>>

> >I'm in agreement with Ujwala (and others who have expressed

> >disappointment) about this. Just seeing the title, "Poverty, Race,

> >Women and LIteracy" makes it sound a little unfortunate to me,

> kind of

> >a

> >catch-all--women's issues aren't ONLY about poverty and race, and

> >poverty and race aren't ONLY about women. Well, I'll say it--it

> >sounds a little like the list for all the "marginalized" folks,

> >lumping

> >them all together. I think I, and most of us, use somewhat different

> >voices and perspectives in talking about women (and as women),

> and in

> >talking about poverty and race, even though the overlap is

> >considerable.

> >Do we know who uses each list-serv, and was the decision to merge

> >them based on overlap there? I am trying to be optimistic that this

> >will involve a wider group of e-mailers than either list alone, but

> >something is also going to be lost in the translation.

> >

> >I do have great faith that you, Daphne, will be able to keep at least

> >much of the focus on women, though. And also on poverty and race! It

> >just covers an awful lot, and I hope this listserv continues to be

> >meaningful on both fronts.

> >

> >Laurie Sheridan

> >

> >>>> lalumineuse at 10/23/2006 8:48 AM >>>

> >I am saddened to see the Women and Literacy list

> >closed. A bit shortsighted to that, and whilst I am

> >aware that it's women who are the victims of poverty,

> >merging the two lists will only confuse the issues

> >further. Is there a way to host the Women and Literacy

> >List elsewhere?

> >Ujwala

> >

> >--- Janet Isserlis wrote:

> >

> >> this is the response I'd sent to the content

> >> standards and English language

> >> lists;

> >> apologies for the cross posting for some

> >>

> >> Aside from the reasons given here, are there other

> >> substantive reasons for

> >> eliminating these two lists? While their content

> >> *may* overlap, at times,

> >> there are also distinct purposes to each, and useful

> >> information particular

> >> to each exchanged, and - at times - cross posted to

> >> various other lists.

> >>

> >> I'm very sorry to see these two lists being

> >> eliminated.

> >>

> >> Janet Isserlis

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >> From: Bertha Mo

> >> Reply-To: The Women and Literacy Discussion List

> >>

> >> Date: Wed, 18 Oct 2006 20:10:36 -0700 (PDT)

> >> To: The Women and Literacy Discussion List

> >>

> >> Subject: [WomenLiteracy 594] Re: Update on Women and

> >> Literacy list

> >>

> >> I'm a bit concerned because I think that different

> >> folks subscribe to a list

> >> that is women focused. I'm pretty shy about

> >> responding to most lists. And

> >> I've been very encouraged by the gentle support I've

> >> received from you and

> >> others on the list.

> >>

> >> Best,

> >>

> >> Bertie

> >>

> >> Daphne Greenberg wrote:

> >> > I am wondering how people on this list feel about

> >> the merging of the

> >> > Women and Literacy List with the Poverty, Race,

> >> and Literacy list? Any

> >> > reactions? Happiness? Disappointment? Concern?

> >> Excitement?

> >> > Daphne

> >> >

> >> >>>> >>> "Nguyen, My Linh" 10/18/06 11:37 AM >>>

> >> > Dear Discussion List subscribers,

> >> >

> >> > As the National Institute for Literacy enters a

> >> new fiscal year,

> >> > we

> >> > have taken steps to streamline the way we deliver

> >> professional

> >> > development

> >> > to our discussion list members. A major change

> >> that will directly affect

> >> > you

> >> > is the merging of the Poverty, Race and Literacy

> >> List with the Women and

> >> > Literacy List starting November 6, 2006.

> >> >

> >> > We will continue to provide access to discussion

> >> archives on our

> >> > website.

> >> >

> >> > We have chosen to combine the two lists because

> >> we recognize

> >> > that

> >> > many of the issues that impact one group also

> >> affect the other group,

> >> > and

> >> > believe that many of the topics discussed on one

> >> list can

> >> > benefit

> >> > the other list. For that reason, we decided to

> >> combine the lists to

> >> > enhance

> >> > list members access to the latest ideas and

> >> information

> >> > available.

> >> > Race and gender issues often intersect, and it is

> >> most both practical

> >> > and

> >> > appropriate to have them intersect on one

> >> combined list.

> >> >

> >> > We know that many members of our two lists,

> >> especially members

> >> > of

> >> > our Women's list, view the lists as safe havens

> >> where issues can be

> >> > raised

> >> > and discussed. We want you to know that we will

> >> continue to

> >> > respect

> >> > your input and will maintain the same high level

> >> of sensitivity and

> >> > respect

> >> > we have always shown our list members. In

> >> combining the two

> >> > lists,

> >> > Daphne Greenberg will serve as the moderator for

> >> the new combined list.

> >> > Her

> >> > experience with women's literacy has enabled her

> >> to moderate the women's

> >> > list with the right balance of sensitivity and

> >> insight that is necessary

> >> > for

> >> > such a list. And we know that in assuming the

> >> responsibility of the new

> >> > list, she will bring the same balance to the

> >> Poverty, Race, Women, and

> >> > Literacy list.

> >> >

> >> > The Institute will be inviting current

> >> subscribers for both the

> >> > Poverty, Race Literacy List and the Women and

> >> Literacy List to the new

> >> > combined

> >> > Poverty, Race, Women and Literacy List. Once you

> >> receive the

> >> > invitation, you will need to confirm your

> >> subscription to the Poverty,

> >> > Race, Women and Literacy List.

> >> >

> >> > We encourage you to be an active participant in

> >> the new list by

> >> > sharing your unique perspectives to help make the

> >> Poverty, Race, Women

> >> > and

> >> > Literacy List a dynamic resource for information

> >> and

> >> > professional

> >> > development.

> >> >

> >> > My Linh Nguyen

> >> > Associate Director of Communications

> >> > National Institute for Literacy

> >> > (202) 233-2041

> >> > fax (202) 233-2050

> >> > mnguyen at

> >> >

> >> >

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