National Institute for Literacy

[WomenLiteracy 306] Re: employment opportunities

Daphne Greenberg ALCDGG at
Fri Jun 2 15:53:13 EDT 2006

R.N. is looking for employment in adult literacy. She lives in Cape Cod, MA. Any ideas, in general, or specifically to that area she can look for employment? How does one find employment in the field of adult literacy? If you are working in this field, how did you find your job?

Here is a copy of her request:
I am a woman extremely interested in the concept of "women and literacy." Reading is a vital component of who I am as a person and my worldview. I want to pass this passion and skill on to other women. But this has been a problem to date. How does one find employment in this field? I live on Cape Cod, MA and, unfortunately, it appears my options are limited. I need full time employment, not one course here or there. I have my undergraduate degree in management, but have been in the field of education for the past 15 years. Of course, I am not looking for job offers from you, but maybe some ideas to get into the field. Any suggestions or ideas would be appreciated. Also, state jobs appear to be the only other option but are few and far between. Thanks so much for any consideration you can give me. And thank you for your valuable work in this field.

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