The International Coral Reef Initiative (ICRI)

The International Coral Reef Initiative (ICRI) is a partnership among governments, international organizations, and non-government organizations. It strives to preserve coral reefs and related ecosystems by implementing Chapter 17 of Agenda 21, and other relevant international conventions and agreements. The secretariat of the Initiative is currently co-host by the governments of Mexico and the United States.

As you will have observed, the ICRIForum has been down for an extended period. We regret that the site has been unavailable, but this was due to a cyber attack. Google's search engine was used to find potentially-vulnerable pages. This attack took the form of an SQL injection - a technique that exploits a security vulnerability occurring in the ICRIForum's database - in which errant code was inserted to disrupt the ICRIForum's functions. In order to prevent contamination to your system, we decided to close the site and we have been working on cleaning the database and improving the security of the site to protect us from any future attacks. The site is now mostly functional and final tests are underway. We hope that the site will be fully restored in a week. We do regret and apologize for this inconvenience.

ICRI News About the International Coral Reef Initiative
The ICRI secretariat is sponsoring an event at the upcoming IUCN World Conservation Congress in Barcelona at the Marine Pavilion on Wednesday 8 of October (8pm-9:30pm). The general theme of the event is "Coral Reefs" and presentations will be made by the ICRI secretariat, the International Year of the Reef, the Global Coral Reef Monitoring Network among others. Look at the agenda

The ICRI secretariat co-chairs have signed the foreward of the: "Economic Values of Coral Reefs, Mangroves, and Seagrasses - A Global Compilation 2008". View the PDF (780 KB)

ICRI side event at the upcoming 10th Meeting of the Conference of the Contracting Parties to the Convention on Wetlands (Changwon, Republic of Korea, 28 October - 4 November 2008)

International Coral Reef Marine Protected Area Network Meeting, 4th ICRI East Asia Regional Workshop (November 17-19, 2008 - Tokyo, Japan)

ICRI General Meeting, Greater Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA
12-13 July 2008

The "Carribbean regional workshop on sustainable tourism", planned for the 12-13 July 08 has been postponed and will no longer be taking place during these dates.

CBD-ICRI Side Event at COP 9 "Marine Biodiversity and the International Year of the Reef"

Minutes, Summary and Outcomes of the ICRI General Meeting (Washington, DC, January 2008) are available

The ICRI Newsletter, Spring 2008, is now available

ICRI Postcard available in French, Spanish and English.

U.S. Department of State Media Note - U.S. Joins Mexico to Co-host global Coral Reef Partnership (PDF File)

In this section, you can learn about the International Coral Reef Initiative, its future directions, achievements, members, networks and history (previous secretariats). About ICRI.
The Current Secretariat
In this section, you'll find contact information for the secretariat, its composition, tasks and programme of actions. Current ICRI secretariat.
ICRI Meetings
  • Documents relative to previous ICRI CPC Meetings
  • Documents relative to Regional Workshops
  • Information from other ICRI Meetings
  • Quick Links