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Hydraulics Engineering


Western Hydraulic Engineers Conference - Presenter Bio/Abstract

Presenter: Alan K. Zundel, Ph.D.

Title: Surface-Water Modeling System Updates and Enhancements

Abstract: This presentation will highlight the capabilities of the Surface water Modeling System (SMS) with emphasis on the new developments. SMS is currently used by many governmental agencies, both Federal and local, private consultants and academic institutions. The purpose of SMS is to facilitate the use and application of multi-dimensional hydrodynamic models. Input to the system include geometric data such as digital elevation/bathymetric data, hydraulic data such as flow rates (hydrographs) and water stages, and site mapping data such as aerial photos and topographic maps. The system includes tools to quickly develop geometric meshes and grids with associated model boundary conditions and parameters use in any of several supported numerical analysis engines including FHWA's FESWMS. The system also includes visualization tools to graphically display input geometric data and computed numerical solutions of water surface elevations or currents as contour plots, vector plots, and animations. Approximately ten states have been trained and are now using SMS for simulation of complex surface water studies. New features that will be available with the upcoming release will be presented and include: 1) Three dimensional visualization of geometry and solution data. 2) Transparent representation of solution data over geometric data. 3) Automated model linkage (steering) to produce converged solution. 4) Zonal classification based on area coverages and spatial datasets. 5) A variety of other user interface and modeling enhancements.


  • Is an Assistant Professor (hopefully soon to be Associate) in the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department at Brigham Young University.
  • Teaches numerical methods, open channel hydraulics, and advanced programming.
  • Research focus on open channel hydraulics and numerical modeling or rivers, bays and coastal zones.
  • Principal Investigator and primary developer of the Surface water Modeling System (SMS).

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United States Department of Transportation - Federal Highway Administration