National Institute for Literacy

[WomenLiteracy 640] lesbian women

mev at mev at
Thu Nov 2 07:25:09 EST 2006

In the discussion of the merger, some concern about lesbian women and
homophobia (heterosexism, my word choice) has emerged. Just as an fyi,
WE LEARN has outlined a research project on this topic, "Coming out:
Lesbians in ABE" and is actively seeking funding for it.

This is a summary of our proposal...
There exists little data (quantitative or qualitative) about the
existence, realities, experiences, and issues for lesbians in adult
basic/literacy education (ABE) communities. Using participatory action
research, we will focus on information gathering and discovery, as well
on the process of research as a community and individual empowerment
activity. These questions (and others) will serve as guides: How are
lesbian issues addressed, ignored, silenced in ABE/ESOL? What is the
impact of silencing or denigration of lesbianism on learners and
teachers? How do we support lesbians (lgbti people) in ABE/ESOL --
across the spectrum of participants -- students, teachers, tutors,
volunteers, and administrators? How are these experiences and issues
similar or different across ABE programs (family literacy, GED,
immigrant/ESOL programs, library/volunteer, workplace or labor union,
or community college)? How do lesbian issues intersect with the
multiple diversities (or oppressions) experienced by women in ABE? How
can we best address lesbian issues and support lesbians (students and
educators) within ABE services/programs? We will gather information
through reviewing the articles and writings (fiction and non-fiction as
well as academic/research oriented) that currently exist about lesbian
experience in ABE, surveys to ABE students & educators (via mail &
Internet), focus group/discussion circles (located in program/regional
sites), and literacy listserv discussions.

We have pitched this proposal to 2 different funding sources with no
success (Astraea and Sociological Initiatives). We will try again with
Astraea this year and are still seeking other sources. If someone has
an idea or is interested in helping out with this, please contact me
off list (welearn at


Women Expanding: Literacy Education Action Resource Network

Mev Miller, Ed.D., Director
182 Riverside Ave.
Cranston, RI 02910
welearn at

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