National Institute for Literacy

[WomenLiteracy 588] Re: ALE Wiki soon to be two years old

Daphne Greenberg alcdgg at
Sat Oct 14 11:46:43 EDT 2006

This is GREAT news that we will finally have a Women and Literacy topic
area included in the ALE Wiki. I am wondering, has anyone used the ALE
Wiki? If yes, how? What are some suggestions that you may want to give
Ryan? What would be helpful to you? In other words, what kinds of
questions might you have about women and literacy, that you would want
to be able to look for answers on a wiki devoted to women and literacy?
Ryan is giving us a chance to help develop this-any ideas?

>>> Ryan Hall <ryanryanc at> 10/13/06 10:40 AM >>>

Hello, everyone.
As many of you know, the ALE Wiki is a free online resource for
researchers, advocates, and others who are interested in learning about
adult literacy. There are already 30 established topic areas related to
field of adult literacy, and new topics can always be added. For
there is a new Women and Literacy topic area that I will be putting
soon. In the meantime, if you have any ideas, comments, or questions
you would like to see included in the Women and Literacy area, please
free to email me. Also, please read the message below from David Rosen
find out more about the goals/purposes of the ALE Wiki, its
and ways you can help ensure its continued growth and success.

ALE Wiki soon to be two years old


To improve practice in our field, teachers need to quickly and easily
the results of research and professional wisdom. This is a practical,
everyday concern. A teacher has a question that needs an answer, such as
"What are effective ways to increase student persistence?". "How do you
handle a multilevel classroom?" "What is the optimum class size for
beginning ESOL or basic literacy?" "What assessments are used in our
"Does my state offer free professional development or training?", "Does
getting a GED lead to increased earnings?"or "How can I be an effective
advocate for adult literacy?"

Suppose there were one place to find answers to these questions, one
organized by topic -- and within each topic by teachers' questions --
with lists of web-accessible research and professional wisdom sources.
Suppose the topic area included some of the best discussions in the
Suppose that this gold mine of professional development, designed to be
accessed "just-in-time", were free.

That's what the Adult Literacy Education Wiki is becoming. Some topics
nearly there, while others have just scratched the surface.
it is becoming the "go to" place for teachers, researchers,
and grant writers, both those new to the field and old hands. Launched
December, 2004, at the Meeting of the Minds I practitioner-researcher
Symposium in Sacramento, California, it will have is second birthday
year at Meeting of the Minds II, November 30- December 2. The ALE Wiki
has 31 topics, 14 topic leaders, over 700 registered users -- 65 of whom
have posted a brief bio statement, and nearly 800 pages of text. It
presented at an international conference on Wikis at Harvard this year.
chapter of a new book on communities of practice will be devoted to the
Wiki. It includes the work and the writing, or links to writing of many
the top people in our field from across the world. Not bad for a two
old, especially one that was created and raised entirely by volunteers.

You can use the ALE Wiki. Check it out at:

You can contribute to it -- it's easy! Go to:

You might want to be a Topic Leader.

If so, e-mail me.

And, of course, the volunteer "wikiteers" appreciate your comments.
What is useful? What would you like to see to be added or changed?

David J. Rosen
djrosen at

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