National Institute for Literacy

[WomenLiteracy 569] Re: Remarks by the President and Mrs. Bush at WhiteHouse Conference on Global

Lauren E Ellington/FS/VCU leellington at
Tue Sep 19 15:01:00 EDT 2006

As long as we are mentioning being particularly offended, I find your
statement about the South to be a rather narrow-minded view. By your
comments, racism only exists in the South. This is certainly not true. I
am a very proud Southern who is not a racist and know many who are just
like me. While I agree with your statements about Bush, please don't
become just as bad as he is by proclaiming one geographic area as racist.

Lauren Ellington
Online Training Specialist,
Learning Disabilities Specialist, and
Writer of Update and Update on LD
Virginia Adult Learning Resource Center
Virginia Commonwealth University
817 W. Franklin Street, Room 221 | P.O. Box 842037
Richmond, VA 23284-2037
Phone: 1-800-237-0178 or 804-828-6158
Fax: 804-828-7539

And these remarks were particularly offensive:

"I am deeply concerned about the spread of
radicalism, and I know you
are, as
well. We long for the days when people don't feel
comfortable or
to take innocent life to achieve an objective. One
reason radicals are
to recruit young men, for example, to become suicide
bombers, is
because of
hopelessness. One way to defeat hopelessness is
through literacy, is
giving people the fantastic hope that comes by being
able to read and
realize dreams.<<

A number of the Islamic, Irish, Hindu, Nepali,
Congolese, Sri Lankan 'radicals' were educated. A
greater number were unemployed. And a number dislike
American international policy. He completely left out
the conservative Bible Belt and the everyday racism
that is experienced by non Bible thumpers in the
South. He left out the KKK, he left out the lynch
mobs.... the police, one could go on.

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