National Institute for Literacy

[WomenLiteracy 223] WE LEARN Conference

Daphne Greenberg ALCDGG at
Tue Mar 21 16:34:24 EST 2006

It is now about a week and a half since the WE LEARN Conference and I know that a few of us on this listserv were able to attend. I was thinking that it may be helpful to those who did not know about this conference, or could not attend to hear from those of us who attended what they learned, why they thought it was or was not worthwhile going, and anything else.
For those of you not familiar with this conference, it is an annual conference focusing on women and literacy issues. Some examples of what I came back with are a few tips about how to begin to talk about racism in the classroom, how to stay safe while using the Internet, and alternative ways to teach algebra with manipulatives. My most enjoyable session was one that was ran by the author Judith Frank who read from and discussed her book Crybaby Butch. I liked that session because I had read the book (and highly recommend it) and it was great to hear her perspectives of it.
Any one else interested in sharing?

Daphne Greenberg
Assistant Professor
Educational Psych. & Special Ed.
Georgia State University
P.O. Box 3979
Atlanta, Georgia 30302-3979
phone: 404-651-0127
dgreenberg at

Daphne Greenberg
Associate Director
Center for the Study of Adult Literacy
Georgia State University
P.O. Box 3977
Atlanta, Georgia 30302-3977
phone: 404-651-0127
dgreenberg at

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