National Institute for Literacy

[WomenLiteracy] abortion

Daphne Greenberg ALCDGG at
Tue Feb 28 09:33:23 EST 2006

South Dakota has been in the news lately about a bill that would ban most abortions in South Dakota. There are several threads of potential discussion for this listserv and I would like to throw out the following questions as discussion starters. I am hoping that one of these questions will interest someone to respond!
1. Does anyone know of websites that can provide adult literacy teachers with arguments on both sides of the abortion battle that teachers can share with their students?
2. I am wondering-is abortion ever included in a health literacy curriculum? If not why not? If yes, how it is included?
3. Is anyone on this listserv in South Dakota? Are people in adult literacy classrooms talking about the bill to ban abortions?
This is a possible activity that some of you may want to do in your adult literacy class to promote critical thinking, debating, writing, and research skills:
Apparently, Fidelis, a national Catholic-based advocacy organization is calling this bill, a bill that protects women. Their vice president has been quoted as saying that: "The enormous amount of information now available on the harm to women brought about by legalized abortion is incredible. Study after study has shown that abortion is devastating for women."
This can be shared with students and then they can be asked to:
1. Debate/write and defend their views on whether they agree with the statement that this bill protects women.
2. What do studies say about abortion? Does it bring harm upon women? How is research defined?

Daphne Greenberg
Assistant Professor
Educational Psych. & Special Ed.
Georgia State University
P.O. Box 3979
Atlanta, Georgia 30302-3979
phone: 404-651-0127
dgreenberg at

Daphne Greenberg
Associate Director
Center for the Study of Adult Literacy
Georgia State University
P.O. Box 3977
Atlanta, Georgia 30302-3977
phone: 404-651-0127
dgreenberg at

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