National Institute for Literacy

[WomenLiteracy 550] PBS Special on Global Education Issues

Ryan Hall ryanryanc at
Thu Sep 7 05:04:03 EDT 2006

PBS has a special program on Global Education issues that looks at how
different education, philosophies, and opportunities are
in various regions of the world, as well as the will of
the children in these regions who, for some, it seems almost
impossible for them to continue with a basic education as all the odds are
pointed against them. PBS will keep following these students, so there will
be an updated taping in a couple years. The program is titled "The Case for
Universal Basic Education for the World's Poorest Boys and Girls"

Also included in this site is an article by Gene B. Sperling, senior fellow
for economic policy and director of the Center for Universal Education at
the Council on Foreign Relations, that discusses specific issues related
unequal educational opportunities for girls. Below is a brief summary:

"One of the main themes of "Back to School" is the special educational
challenges facing girls around the world. For them, access to a primary
education, basic books and supplies, and a safe road to the schoolhouse
remains uncertain. Huge gender gaps persist in classrooms worldwide, even as
research shows that educating girls is one of the best steps a nation can
take to spur its economic growth and protect the health of its families."

Here is the link to the site which includes clips from the episode, as well
as a full-length version that can be viewed online, Sperling's article,
classroom resources, and a discussion list.


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