National Institute for Literacy

[WomenLiteracy 471] Re: Discussion - Reminder

eleonelli at eleonelli at
Wed Aug 2 14:35:57 EDT 2006

Hi, Mev - my choices - see below.

Esther D. Leonelli

(1) “But Is It Education?” The Challenge of Creating Effective Learning for
Survivors of Trauma -- Women's Studies Quarterly, 32: #1&2, 2004 (25
pages - double-spaced) - This is not available on the Internet but Mev
has it and will send electronically.
"This paper introduces research I carried out from 1996 to 1999,
looking at the impact of violence on women’s literacy learning and
program participation in order to develop approaches to literacy work
which will assist women to learn."

(2) Moving Beyond "Stupid": Taking Account of the Impact of Violence on
Women’s Learning (13 pages, single-spaced) -- soon to be published.
Jenny has provided electronic copy.
"In this article, I examine violence that contributes to early learning
failure and to entrenching the belief that one is too stupid to learn.
I also look at some of the effects of violence on the learning process,
and consider how to create conditions in adult education programs to
counteract this early “training”, including ways to support learning
for those who doubt that they can learn and fear that opening a book
will only remind them of their own “stupidity.”
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