National Institute for Literacy

[WomenLiteracy 648] Re: thanks

Andrea Wilder andreawilder at
Thu Nov 2 22:05:28 EST 2006


You are truly amazing--having the guts, courage, and just plain
gumption to handle the topics that have come your way in all their
infinite variety.

THANK YOU SO MUCH for all you have done.

On Nov 2, 2006, at 8:18 PM, Daphne Greenberg wrote:

> This Monday, the women and literacy listserv will be closed. Therefore,

> I wanted to take this opportunity to extend to each and every one of

> you

> a very sincere thank you for participating in each of your own ways.

> Some of you I have "known" since 1999, when we started on this listserv

> journey together, and others of you I have only recently had the

> pleasure to "meet." I feel like we have been through a lot together,

> and

> I was touched by the honest sharing, empathy, compassion, interest,

> willingness to help, courage to throw out questions, and desire to

> reach

> out to others on this listserv. There are two special people that I

> want

> to acknowledge as I say my good bye:

> First and foremost is Jaleh Behroozi Soroui. Without her courage,

> persistence, and never-ending fight for what is right, this listserv

> would not have come into fruition. She championed the cause of women

> and

> literacy right from the start, and always pushed for us to have a home

> in NIFL. She taught me how to fight for my beliefs, how to never give

> up, and how to always ask questions, even when the questions are

> uncomfortable ones. To this day, she is one of my role models.

> I would also like to thank David Rosen. In the early days, before I

> became a facilitator, he encouraged me to join his listserv. I was

> nervous, finally joined, and then stayed as a lurker for a long time,

> until with his gentle encouragement started to post emails. It is

> because of him that I started on my listserv journey, and it is because

> of him that I gained the courage to finally one day, when the

> opportunity arose, become a listserv moderator. His advice helped me

> when I made mistakes (and I made quite a few in the early days), and I

> continue to value his opinion when an issue arises.

> To all of you, thank you, thank you, thank you. This listserv has added

> richness to my personal and professional life. I look forward to

> continuing the next phase of my listserv journey on the poverty race

> women and literacy listserv with you. If you do not decide to join,

> then

> I wish you the best, and maybe our paths will connect in some other

> arena.

> Daphne


> Daphne Greenberg

> Assistant Professor

> Educational Psych. & Special Ed.

> Georgia State University

> P.O. Box 3979

> Atlanta, Georgia 30302-3979

> phone: 404-651-0127

> fax:404-651-4901

> dgreenberg at


> Daphne Greenberg

> Associate Director

> Center for the Study of Adult Literacy

> Georgia State University

> P.O. Box 3977

> Atlanta, Georgia 30302-3977

> phone: 404-651-0127

> fax:404-651-4901

> dgreenberg at

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