National Institute for Literacy

[WomenLiteracy 632] Re: cultivating community

Ryan Hall ryanryanc at
Thu Oct 26 22:59:53 EDT 2006

Thank you so much, Jackie, for posting your suggestions for the new women
and literacy wiki!
I, of course, did not find your regression to my question insensitive at
all, and I even think that talking about ideas for this new wiki area can be
a very productive way to discuss and expand (and even inform those in need
of informing) the issues that have been raised in terms of the listserv
merger. We could think of it as a sort of efficient multi-tasking initiative
that allows us to vent our frustrations and irritations about the merger
while, at the same time, disseminate useful information about issues related
to women and literacy and, thus, create a teachable moment for all.
For example, several concepts, such as connections, intersections, and
overlaps have been mentioned in terms of the listserv merger...but, what
exactly are those connections and overlaps with race and poverty, and what
are the issues related to women regardless of their race or SES status?
There are other issues we could explore, too:
What about the role of cultural differences and/or expectations in defining
literacy for different groups of women (in the US and abroad)? What are some
questions that either you have had about women and literacy/learning or that
you have heard others ask about women and literacy/learning? What exactly is
it that we all want others to know about women and literacy...and/or women
learners in general? What are some of the resources that we all (teachers,
researchers, advocates, etc.) want to have readily available for us to use
at a moment¹s notice?
Speaking of resources, for those of you who don¹t know, there is an ALE Wiki
glossary, and each topic area has its own section. So, if there are terms
pertaining to women and literacy that you have seen used in posts on this
list and that you think should be included in a women and literacy glossary,
let me know. It could either be something that you know and just want to
make sure is included in a glossary pertaining to this topic, or it could be
a word/concept that you¹ve seen used a lot, but have no idea what it really
This wiki is a collaborative creation, and each of you should feel free to
contribute your ideas, experiences, and resources.

On 10/24/06 10:47 PM, "Taylor, Jackie" <jataylor at> wrote:

> Hello everyone,


> I hope this doesn¹t seem insensitive to the resulting discussions from NIFL¹s

> surprising news(!). But I¹d like to go back to Ryan¹s generous offer to create

> a women and literacy Wiki space on our behalf

> (

> <> ). Since her offer I have

> yet to hear any ideas shared on this list that would help her in taking the

> lead on what can become a very collaborative endeavor. Given recent

> circumstances, I¹m sure we did not intend to leave her request hanging out

> there like that. SooooŠ I¹m wondering in what ways we would like to see this

> area developed? Online technologies like wikis can be used in combination with

> listservs to enhance the vibrant nature of communities, strengthening, not

> diminishing them. And in light of the recent List news, that might not be a

> bad thing.


> Some ideas I leave you withŠ


> How might this area of the wiki be a place to collect women and literacy

> success stories? Autobiographies?


> Or what about:


> · a policy section for updates on federal policy pertaining to women and

> literacy issues, how states are planning to transition to the new federal TANF

> regs, and what that means for practices with welfare-to-work? Then that could

> link over to the advocacy area of the wiki.


> · a professional development initiatives section for women-centered

> instruction, women¹s roles as learners and adult literacy practitioners? That

> could then link over to the PD section.


> · a compilation of some of the rich or helpful discussions we¹ve had,

> like the health insurance resource-sharing (I¹m sure we could all come up with

> examples of what we want to see collected, pertinent resources compiled, etc)


> · a list of practical questions for teaching and professional

> development?


> · a compilation of relevant web sites we think are pertinent, as well as

> women and literacy research addressing those questions?


> Most of all: How can we make it lively and interactive?


> The Adult Literacy Professional Development List has used the PD List in

> tandem with the PD area of the ALE Wiki to develop matrices of information:

> state PD systems, approaches and methods of PD, and PD Policy Recommendations

> ­ the latter which was then voted upon and embraced by our professional

> association, AALPD, and it is guiding our resulting PD advocacy efforts.


> I guess the reason I¹m going on about it is because, well, the ALE Wiki has

> been a helpful resource in many ways, and it always serves the ³just in time²

> need. And the wiki is only one tool. I¹m sure there are many ways to share and

> cultivate the wisdom of an online community. So we can create what we want

> rather than just accept what is.


> Thanks, Ryan, for your offer. I look forward to this becoming a rich resource

> for all of us!


> Best wishes, Jackie


> Jackie Taylor, Adult Literacy Professional Development List Moderator,

> jataylor at <mailto:jataylor at>




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