National Institute for Literacy

[WomenLiteracy] Now Online: Digital Stories by South Africans Explore Gender-Based Violence and HIV/

Daphne Greenberg ALCDGG at
Wed Feb 8 11:11:51 EST 2006

I encourage everyone to take a look at these stories-they are great! This posting inspires two questions for me:
1. Have any of you used digital stories in your classroom? How?
2. Do any of you talk about AIDS and HIV in your adult literacy classrooms?

>>> Janet_Isserlis at 2/7/2006 1:04 PM >>>

All - fyi

Janet Isserlis

In the Summer of 2005, the Men As Partners (MAP) Network and the Silence
Speaks program joined together in an effort to bring digital storytelling to
South African communities engaged in challenging violence against women and
supporting HIV prevention.

A series of digital stories created by MAP Network members can now be viewed
online at These stories are
being shown in trainings and public screenings throughout South Africa and
beyond, to mobilize men¹s involvement in MAP community organizing, training,
and policy advocacy activities.

For more information about this digital storytelling initiative, contact Amy
Hill, amylenita at or 510-548-2065. Please feel free to share
this story link with colleagues and friends.


Amy L. Hill
Community Projects Director
Center for Digital Storytelling
510.548-2065 W
510-682-8311 C

"Listen Deeply. Tell Stories."

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