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Managing Solid Wastes

Regional RCRA Information
The Region 4 Solid Waste program promotes waste prevention, reuse and recycling of non-hazardous solid waste. We also work closely with our partners including State agencies, Indian Tribes, local governments, universities and citizen groups to solve municipal solid waste generation and management problems.

These actions support EPA's Resource Conservation Challenge (RCC), a national effort to increase the national recycling rate to 35 percent by 2005, and cut the generation of 30 priority chemicals in hazardous waste in half by 2005.


Learn more about solid waste activities in Region 4:

For more information, contact:

Jay Bassett, Chief MMS bassett.jay@epa.gov 404-562-8559
Faye Lively lively.faye@epa.gov 404-562-8455
Audrey Baker baker.audrey@epa.gov 404-562-8483
Thornell Cheeks cheeks.thornell@epa.gov 404-562-8479
Kim Clifton clifton.kim@epa.gov 404-562-8477
David Langston langston.david@epa.gov 404-562-8478
Delores Rodgers-Smith rodgers-smith.delores@epa.gov 404-562-8688
Rhonda Rollins rollins.rhonda@epa.gov 404-562-8664
Steve Smith smith.steved@epa.gov 404-562-8051
Mary Van Pelt vanpelt.marybeth@epa.gov 404-562-8615
Karen Bandhauer bandhauer.karen@epa.gov 404-562-9122

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