Bitterroot Range, Montana
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2008 Mustang Makeovers and Challenges

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                       2008 Extreme Mustang Makeover (EMM)




Mark Lyon EMM 08 Winner - Copyright CEBrooks/2008

Using a teeter-totter, Mark Lyon of Nebraska and "Christian" walk through a ring of fire. Mark and Christian took first place
 at the 2008 EMM.


Mark Lyon - Winner EMM 08 - copyright CEBrooks/2008

Mark Lyon and "Christian", winners of the 2008 EMM.

Winner "Head Over Heels" in the 2008 EMM

Final Scoring Results of the EMM 08 

2008 EMM - "The Final Ten"

Anticipation mounts as the final ten competitors line up
 for placement results at the 2008 EMM.


Wylene Wilson and "Filthy Rich". Copyright CEBrooks/2008

Wylene Wilson and "Filthy Rich" placed 6th in the 2008 EMM.

Dan Keen and "Trubador" competing at the 2008 EMM copyright CEBrooks/2008

Dan Keen and "Trubador" competing in the 2008 EMM.
 Dan was awarded 3rd place in the final competition.



David Carter and "Silverado". Silverado was adopted for $10,500.

"Silverado" trained by David Carter of Mississippi. Silverado was adopted for
 $10,500 at the Mustang Makeover.




Highlights of Other 2008 Mustang Challenges/Makeovers

2008 Wyoming Mustang Challenge

2008 Western States Mustang Makeover

2008 Midwest Mustang Challenge

The Mustang Heritage Foundation in partnership with the Bureau of Land Management created the Extreme Mustang Makeovers and Mustang Challenges to highlight the value of American Mustangs and showcase the beauty, versatility, and trainability of these living symbols of the historic and pioneer spirit of the American West.

Mustang Challenges and Makeovers provide horse trainers an opportunity to receive and train a wild Mustang for a period of approximately 100 days and then compete for cash prizes, as well as commission on any adoption fees generated during oral bidding adoption. 

During competition, trainers are evaluated on the body condition of their American Mustangs, as well as their ability to handle the horse "in hand" through a series of maneuvers including picking up the horse’s feet, maneuvering it through obstacles and loading it into a trailer. Following the "in hand" course, trainers will mount their animals and complete a "horse course" that includes a series of obstacles and requires the trainer to demonstrate  the level of competency the horse has accomplished. The finalists compete in a freestyle event. Following the competition, all competing Mustangs are available for adoption.

Mustang Heritage Foundation

Patti Colbert
P.O. Box 703
Bertram, Texas 78605
(512) 355-3225
(512) 355-2737 fax
             Bureau of Land Management    
          Tom Gorey
         (202) 452-5137

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