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Superfund Grants & Contracts

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Superfund provides resources to help citizens get assistance and grants that will help them better understand and get involved in Superfund activities. A variety of community programs, technical assistance and training, and monetary aid are available.

The Superfund Technical Assessment & Response Team Contracts (START) program was developed under EPA's Long Term Contracting Strategy (LTCS) and combines the previously separate support activities of the Field Investigation Team (FIT) and Technical Assistance Team (TAT) into a single contract. The START contracts provide technical support to EPA's site assessment activities and response, prevention and preparedness activities. This support includes gathering and analyzing technical information, preparing technical reports on oil and hazardous substance investigation and technical support for cleanup efforts. The Contracts 2000 Implementation Plan for START established 25 contracts made up of 15 full and open, nine 8(a), and one small business contract.

The Southeast Superfund Support Branch is responsible for implementation of the Superfund program. A partnering relationship between EPA Region 4 and the States, as well as has been established for the efficient and effective management of the trust funds The private sector has a key role to play in the implementation of CERCLA because much of the work is performed by private contractors.

Superfund Support Branch Contacts

Technical Outreach Services for Communities Exit Disclaimer
Technical Outreach Services for Communities (TOSC) uses university educational and technical resources to help community groups understand the technical issues involving the hazardous waste sites in their midst. TOSC aims to empower communities to participate substantively in the decision-making process regarding their hazardous substance problems. An affiliate of TOSC is the Technical Outreach Services for Native American Communities (TOSNAC) Exit Disclaimer which provides technical assistance to Native Americans dealing with hazardous substance issues.

For information about the contents of this page please contact Nardina Turner

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