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United Metals, Inc.

United Metals, Inc.
EPA ID: FLD098240038
Location: Marianna, Jackson County, Florida
Congressional District:
NPL Status: Proposed: 9/30/02; Final: 04/30/03
Project Manager
Site Repository:
Jackson County Public Library
2928 Green Street
Marianna, FL 32446
Documents:About Adobe Portable Document Format

Site Background:
United Metals is a former battery reclaiming plant about 5 miles south of Marianna, FL.  The plant was built and starting recycling batteries in 1979.  It was operated until 1991.  The lead plates were reclaimed and sent off site for smelting.  The cases were shredded and sent off site to an extruder.  Some nickel cadmium batteries were also processed at the Site.  The Site is approx. 175 acres with the 25 acre operations area fenced off.  The investigation has concentrated mainly on the operations area and the surrounding land.

A State of Florida Consent Order in 1984 required removal of contaminated soil from the waste ponds and the drainage ditches along the access road and State Highway 71and installation of groundwater monitoring.  It also called for a closed loop wastewater system and closure of the waste ponds.  The contaminated soil was excavated and stockpiled in the Materials Storage Building since about 1984.  An EPA Removal Action to treat this soil and dispose of it off site was completed in the Summer, 2006.

Several sampling events from the early 1980’s until 1993.  The FDEP Site Investigation was conducted in 1993. Lead, arsenic and other metals were found to be elevated in soil and groundwater.  The FDEP Expanded Site Investigation was conducted in 1994.  Lead, chromium and other metals were elevated in soil, sediment and groundwater.

In 1996, EPA conducted a Removal Action.  Six 55-gallon drums of hazardous material was removed and a 6,000 gallon poly tank was cut open and several hundred gallons of sulfuric acid sludge solidified and disposed of off site.

Cleanup Progress:
The Primary Remedial Investigation (RI) was conducted June/July, 2002.  The Supplemental RI was conducted December 1-12, 2003 to better define the subsurface soil in spill area and waste ponds.  Three additional groundwater monitoring wells were installed to better define the groundwater plume.  The eastern wetlands were also sampled.  In March, 2005, EPA SESD conducted a third RI sampling effort to develop site specific leaching criteria for lead and arsenic and further definition of the groundwater plume.   Additional subsurface soil samples were also taken under the Material Storage Building and in a disturbed area located approx. 1,200 feet SE of the Materials Storage Building.  The Feasibility Study was completed in July, 2006.  The Proposed Plan (PP) which sets forth the proposed remedy was issued for public comment in August, 2006.  The Record of Decision was signed in September, 2006.  The chosen remedy consists of excavation of contaminated soil and sediment with stabilization of the excavated material and reburial at the site.  The groundwater will be monitored for natural attenuation of the groundwater contamination.  The treatability studies will be conducted and the remedy will be designed during 2007 and 2008.

For information about the contents of this page please contact Brenda Lane

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