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Davis Park Road TCE Site

Davis Park Road TCE Site
EPA ID: NCD986175644
Location: Gastonia, Gaston County, NC
Congressional District:
NPL Status: Proposed: 07/28/98; Final 01/19/1999
Project Manager
Site Repository:
Gaston County Public Library
1555 E. Garrison Blvd.
Gastonia, NC 28054
Documents:About Adobe Portable Document Format

Site Background:
The Davis Park Road TCE Site includes approximately 20 acres of residential homes and private businesses in unincorporated Gaston County, southwest of the City of Gastonia. The Site consists of a contaminated soil area that was reportedly behind an automobile transmission shop located at 2307 Davis Park Road, and a plume of contaminated groundwater that emanates from this property and extends south along Davis Park Road to Blackwood Creek. The plume of contaminated groundwater underlies residences at the Site along the plume's entire horizontal extent. A majority of homes within the Site area obtained their water from private or community wells. Tetrachloroethene (PCE), Trichloroethene (TCE), 1,1-Dichloroethene (1,1,-DCE), Chloroform, and Methyl-ter-butyl ether (MTBE) are the groundwater contaminants of concern identified in the Record of Decision (ROD) for this Site.

Cleanup Progress: Construction Completed
The selected remedy for the Site includes connecting all homes Site area to the City of Gastonia public water supply, optional installation of granulated carbon filters on private wells, and natural attenuation of the groundwater contaminant plume. During the remedial design, a natural attenuation study was conducted to confirm that the contaminant plume is naturally attenuating. A contingency remedy for active pumping and treatment of the contaminated groundwater plume was provided for in the ROD, should the results of groundwater sampling fail to confirm natural attenuation. In a September 25, 2000, memorandum report, EPA confirmed that natural attenuation was occurring at the Site and would achieve remedial goals. EPA will continue to monitor the attenuation of the groundwater contaminants.

On-site construction was initiated on May 15, 2000. Construction included approximately 5625 linear feet of 12-inch, 8-inch and 6-inch ductile iron pipe, plus related service lines and appurtenances. A total of sixty three (63) residences were connected to the City of Gastonia water system and are now receiving water from that system. EPA installed carbon filters at five (5) residences where the homeowners did not agree to be connected to the public water supply system. Two residents with private wells in the impacted area elected not to receive either public water or a carbon filter. EPA also physically abandoned 19 private wells by plugging with a cement grout. Construction was determined to be complete on September 27, 2000.   Long Term Monitoring of groundwater is being conducted on a yearly basis each Spring, and an annual monitoring report is prepared.  The State of North Carolina Superfund program is conducting the annual sampling under a Cooperative Agreement with EPA.  A Five-Year Review was conducted in May of 2005 and concluded that the remedy remains protective of human health and the environment.  The next Five-Year Review will be completed by May, 2010.


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