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Tuskegee University

Tuskegee University Partnering With Narel

Tuskegee University Exit EPA, located within commuting distance of Montgomery, Alabama, has been a partner with the National Air and Radiation Environmental Laboratory (NAREL) since 1994. To date, cooperative projects have included radon measurements in minority owned homes, a study of soils to determine parameters for consideration in analyzing different soil types for radioactivity, and training Ukrainian scientists to operate the mobile environmental measurements laboratory developed by EPA for the Ukraine Ministry of Environmental Protection and Nuclear Safety.

Faculty and students can visit NAREL as part of the university's training for careers in environmental science. Tuskegee offers career education in environmental engineering, and, since partnering with NAREL, Tuskegee has put in place its new degree program in environmental science. NAREL and Tuskegee University look forward to continued cooperative achievement.

Training session at Tuskegee University for Ukrainian scientists
Training session at Tuskegee University for Ukrainian scientists.
Photo of the NAREL/Tuskegee radon study team
Joint NAREL/Tuskegee radon study team.
Photo taken during the radon study of minority homes
During the radon study of minority homes.

National Air & Radiation Environmental Laboratory
540 South Morris Avenue
Montgomery, AL 36115-2601
(334) 270-3400 Voice, (334) 270-3454 Fax

Please direct your Website questions or comments to contact_NAREL@epa.gov.

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