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Photo - Contaminated soil from Superfund site is packaged for disposal NAREL routinely provides analytical and technical support for the characterization and cleanup of Superfund and Federal Facility sites. NAREL's support focuses on providing high quality data to support Agency decisions at sites across the country. Thousands of radiochemical and mixed waste analyses are performed annually at NAREL on a variety of matrices from contaminated sites. As EPA's only laboratory with in-house mixed waste analytical capability, NAREL routinely provides unique analytical support to large, complex sites such as Hanford, Oak Ridge, Paducah, Brookhaven National Laboratory, and others. In addition, NAREL provides data evaluation and assessment, document review and field support.

National Air & Radiation Environmental Laboratory
540 South Morris Avenue
Montgomery, AL 36115-2601
(334) 270-3400 Voice, (334) 270-3454 Fax

Please direct your Website questions or comments to contact_NAREL@epa.gov.

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