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Ridematching Program

Image of electronically connected buildings.

From a local COG's recent efforts with ridesharing software.

The right software makes all the difference.


  • High profile local public officials, e.g., Council of Governments
  • Local concerned citizens, e.g., Single Occupancy Vehicle (SOV) drivers and potential riders
  • Local transportation groups, e.g., vanpool firms, etc.
  • Local industry leaders and employers representatives


  • A shared understanding of transportation needs and resources
  • A shared commitment to identify and change certain behaviors


  • Ride-matching software and surveys - to collect/save the data
  • Leadership and example-setting - to provide the catalyst
  • Teamwork - to get all the ingredients to work together


A good goal for year one: Double the use of carpools and vanpools.


  1. Apply an understanding of transportation needs and resources to gather community leaders in the private and public sectors for an active multi-stakeholder effort. Add key stakeholders like the local traffic control media.
  2. Add a rideshare software company and some successful examples into the mix to stir the group's commitment to undertake a shared ride to and from work program. Use employee surveys to collect data.
  3. Add consensus building and lots of grass roots public relations including local traffic reporters to make the commuter pot boil with anticipation!
  4. Offer commuter access to information about nearby vanpools, carpools, the closest transit stops, and other "ways" to work.

Hints from the Chef:

  • Best when implemented along with a guaranteed ride home program
  • Invite SOV drivers to sign up to take additional riders to save money
  • Publicize and celebrate employer participation with "contests"
  • Offer electronic access to available vanpools, transit routes, etc.
  • Track the impact on vehicle usage to obtain additional funding
  • Offer electronic access to employers for survey collection and updates

Ridematching Program Case Study

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