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The P2 resources listed below are available free of charge. Publications are listed in reverse chronological order (newest to oldest) in their categories. You may order print versions if the documents have a check box in front of the title. Many of these documents are available as downloadable files; these are hyperlinked. Click on the title name to view these publications immediately. Customers who experience any problems accessing any of the PDF files on this page may contact PPIC about options for alternate forms of access.

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Access to older P2 documents on-line is offered on the PPIC Archive page.

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To order hardcopy where available, place a check mark in the box and fill out the form at the bottom of this page. Please allow three weeks for delivery and limit your request to 10 items. You may also place an order by phone, fax, e-mail (ppic@epa.gov) or regular mail.

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A more complete listing of EPA documents can be found on-line at the National Service Center for Environmental Publications (NSCEP). This is a central repository for EPA documents with over 7000 titles available for free.

New Documents

Evaluation of EPA Efforts to Integrate Pollution Prevention Policy throughout EPA and at Other Federal Agencies (PDF) (124 pp, 590K, About PDF)
This October 2008 report provides a detailed look at EPA's efforts to weave pollution prevention into the major activities of the Agency's programs, and elsewhere in government. The report tracks P2 progress over the past two decades, and includes recommendations for more fully integrating P2 into the environmental challenges of coming decades.

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General P2 Information & Policy

Web Resources

Pollution Prevention (P2) Website
The EPA Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics' (OPPT) P2 site offers info on P2 benefits for different audience groups, and info on P2 policy, programs, technical assistance and resources.

EPA Regional P2 Offices
EPA Regional P2 office websites offering P2 technical assistance

EPA Regional P2 resource guides for your area
These resources will help you learn about pollution prevention approaches and innovative technologies. Most of the resources listed can provide you with free, confidential, and personalized assistance to identify and implement cost-effective pollution prevention measures. Other tools and resources allow you to perform a self-assessment.

EPA's Pollution Prevention Framework
Overview of EPA's five focus areas for pollution prevention: P2 as a guiding social principle; sustainable business practices; government actions; cleaner technologies and processes; and safe products.

Pollution Prevention Conferences, Workshops and Training
Updated by PPIC monthly.


Evaluation of EPA Efforts to Integrate Pollution Prevention Policy throughout EPA and at Other Federal Agencies (PDF) (124 pp, 590K, About PDF)
This October 2008 report provides a detailed look at EPA's efforts to weave pollution prevention into the major activities of the Agency's programs, and elsewhere in government. The report tracks P2 progress over the past two decades, and includes recommendations for more fully integrating P2 into the environmental challenges of coming decades.

An Ounce of Pollution Prevention is Worth Over 167 Billion Pounds of Cure: A Decade of Pollution Prevention Results 1990-2000 (PDF) (53 pp, 644KB) Exit EPA Disclaimer
National Pollution Prevention Roundtable * January 2003

An Organizational Guide to Pollution Prevention (PDF) (150 pp, 1.88MB) Exit EPA Disclaimer
EPA-625-R-01-003 * August 2001

Why Should You Care About Preventing Waste: Pollution Prevention Pocketbook
EPA-742-E-01-001 * July 2001
PDF version (8 pp, 1.28MB)

P2 Pocketbook "National Pollution Prevention Resource Guide"
EPA-744-F-01-023 * (12 pp) * July 2001

Guide to Industrial Assessments for Pollution Prevention and Energy Efficiency
(310 pp + appendices, 4.43MB)
EPA-625-R-99-003 * June 2001

Guide to Industrial Assessments for Pollution Prevention and Energy Efficiency
CD-ROM version
EPA-625-C-99-003 * June 2001

Introduction to Pollution Prevention: Training Manual (184 pp, 7.91MB)
EPA-742-B-95-003 * July 1995

Pollution Prevention Act of 1990: Public Law
EPA-742-L-90-100 * (8 pp) * November 1990

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Environmental Accounting

Integrating Green Purchasing into your Environmental Management System (EMS)
EPA 742-R-05-001 * April 2005

Enhancing Supply Chain Performance with Environmental Cost Information: Examples from Commonwealth Edison, Andersen Corportation, and Ashland Chemical (PDF) (52 pp, 252 KB)
EPA-742-R-00-002 * April 2000 *

The Lean and Green Supply Chain: A Practical Guide for Materials Managers and Supply Chain Managers to Reduce Costs and Improve Environmental Performance (PDF)
(48 pp, 7.7 MB)
EPA-742-R-00-001 * January 2000

Environmental Cost Accounting for Chemical and Oil Companies: A Benchmark Study (PDF) (59 pp, 176KB)
EPA-742-R-97-004 * June 1997

Applying Environmental Accounting to Electroplating Operations: An In-Depth Analysis (PDF) (54 pp, 165KB)
EPA-742-R-97-003 * May 1997

"Environmental Accounting and EMSs," Pollution Prevention Review Vol 6, No. 2
EPA-742-K-96-002 * (9 pp) * Spring 1996

An Introduction to Environmental Accounting as a Business Management Tool: Key Concepts and Terms (PDF) (39 pp, 199KB)
EPA-742-R-95-001 * May 1995

A Primer for Financial Analysis of Pollution Prevention Projects (PDF) (39 pp, 2.64MB)
EPA-600-R-93-059 * April 1993

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P2 Technical Assistance

Technical Assistance Resources

Web Resources

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, in partnership with industry, academic institutions, environmental groups, other federal and state agencies and local governments, has established ten sector-specific Compliance Assistance Centers. Visit the Centers for comprehensive, easy to understand compliance information targeted specifically to each sector's needs. Includes centers for Agriculture; Automotive Recycling Compliance; Automotive Service and Repair; Chemical Manufacturing; the Construction Industry; Federal Facilities; Local Government; Metal Finishing; Paints and Coatings; Printed Wiring Boards; Printing; Transportation; and U.S./Mexican Border Compliance.

EPA Guides to Pollution Prevention (by sector)
(Select "Browse Publications Catalog," type "Guide" in the Title field, select "Pollution Prevention" in the Subject field, then select "Search".)

Federal Electronics Challenge Web site - An interagency pilot program to assist Federal agencies with reducing the environmental impact of their electronic assets. The Federal Electronics Challenge (FEC) helps federal facilities and agencies face challenges posed by this increasing and complex waste stream and become leaders in the life cycle management of electronic assets.

FedCenter.Gov is the first stop for information about environmental laws and regulations that affect Federal departments and agencies.

Industry Sector Notebooks, developed by EPA's Office of Compliance, are profiles containing information on selected major industries, including dry cleaning, printing, and wood furniture. Each notebook provides comprehensive industrial process information, regulatory requirements, and pollution prevention techniques. These documents may be viewed online, or printed copies can be ordered for a fee (between $6 and $25, depending on length) from the Government Printing Office by calling 202-512-1800.

Visit EPA's National Compliance Assistance Clearinghouse for additional links to compliance assistance resources on the Internet, provided by EPA, other federal agencies, State and local governments, Tribal agencies, and other online sources.

The Pollution Prevention Resource Exchange (P2Rx) Exit EPA Disclaimer is a national network of regional centers dedicated to improving dissemination of pollution prevention information to service providers.

P2Rx Topic Hubs Exit EPA Disclaimer provide web-based guides to quality pollution prevention information and expertise for particular sectors and subjects.


Pollution Prevention in Metal Painting and Coating Operations: A Manual for Technical Assistance Providers Exit EPA Disclaimer
EPA-749-B-98-002 * (159 pp) * April 1998

Pollution Prevention in the Primary Metals Industry: A Manual for Pollution Prevention Technical Assistance Providers Exit EPA Disclaimer
EPA-749-B-98-003 * (35 pp) * April 1998

Pollution Prevention for the Metal Finishing Industry: A Manual for Pollution Prevention Technical Assistance Providers Exit EPA Disclaimer
EPA-742-B-97-005 * (185 pp) * February 1997

Pollution Prevention for the Printing Industry: A Manual for Pollution Prevention Technical Assistance Providers
EPA-742-B-97-004 * (123 pp) * February 1997

Handbook on Pollution Prevention Opportunities for Bleached Kraft Pulp and Paper Mills (PDF) (70 pp, 3.32MB)
EPA-600-R-93-098 * June 1993

State & Local Governments

Web Resources

EPA's P2 Grants programs promote P2 at the state, tribal, and local levels.

Supplemental Environmental Projects (SEPs) are environmental projects that a violator voluntarily agrees to as part of the settlement of an enforcement action. EPA's Supplemental Environmental Projects Website provides guidance documents and other information on enforcement cases that have included SEPs.

The EPA P2 Website's Technical Assistance: State Agencies page provides information on Technical Assistance Programs' P2 services and resources for states.


Promoting Environmental Justice Through Pollution Prevention (20 pp, 1.17MB)
EPA-742-K-00-001 * September 2000

Supplemental Environmental Projects [Image file]
EPA-300-B-00-007 * (8 pp) * July 2000

GIS, Pollution Prevention, and Public Health (PDF) (12pp, 1.16MB)
EPA-742-B-98-005 * September 1998

Geographic Information Systems, Pollution Prevention Case Studies (PDF) (15 pp, 1.36MB)
EPA-742-B-98-006 * September 1998

Multimedia Pollution Prevention Permitting Report: Project Report [Image file]
EPA-902-R-97-003 * (65 pp) * August 1997

Drinking Water, Pollution Prevention and Public Health (PDF) (8 pp, 825.4KB)
EPA-742-F-97-004 * February 1997

Executive Order 12856: Federal Facility Environmental Outreach Guide [Image file]
EPA-745-B-96-001 * (28 pp) * August 1996

Guidance for Implementing Executive Order 12856: Federal Compliance with Right-to-Know Laws and Pollution Prevention Requirements (PDF) (47 pp, 146KB)
EPA-300-B-95-005 * April 1995

Executive Order 12856: Federal Compliance with Right-to-Know Laws and Pollution Prevention Requirements: Questions and Answers [Image file]
EPA-745-R-95-011 * (52 pp) * March 1995

Pollution Prevention at POTWs: Case Studies (PDF) (22 pp, 461 KB)
EPA-742-F-94-001 * (brochure) * Winter 1994

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Environmentally Preferable Purchasing

Web Resources & Tools

Buy Clean Web site - "Buy Clean" is an EPA initiative to partner with schools and others to promote the purchase of products and services for a healthy indoor environment for schools. The web site features information on Buy Clean school pilot projects, useful tools for evaluating/selecting/designing school products, environmentally preferable purchasing resources, and related programs.

Cleaning Product Attributes Ranking Tool - An EPP interactive tool which helps the user choose a greener cleaning product by prioritizing environmental attributes (e.g. skin irriation potential, VOCs, recycled packaging).

EPA's Consumer Labeling Initiative (CLI) is a government, industry and private partnership working to provide consumers with better and clearer information on household product labels. CLI is currently leading a nationwide education campaign encouraging consumers to "Read the Label First!"

Database of Environmental Information for Products and Services - A searchable EPP database of product-specific information (e.g. environmental standards and guidelines or contract language) developed by government programs, both domestic and international, as well as third parties.

EPA's Environmentally Preferable Purchasing Program (EPP) has developed tools and resources to help you do EPP, including: policy documents, updates, product/service-based guides, training tools, case studies, and a database of environmental information on products.

The Green Buildings Web site offers information on the various components of green buildings, applicable to homes and offices. This site provides or links to information on green building materials, energy efficiency and renewable energy, EPA's green buildings, water conservation, waste reduction, and indoor environment issues.

The Green Meetings Website provides information for meeting planners, service suppliers, hosts, and attendees on organizing/promoting meetings while minimizing negative impact on the environment. This site includes information on green meetings tools, green meetings/hotels/tourism initiatives, and green meetings resources.

Homes Across America (HHA) Exit EPA Disclaimer demonstrates construction practices and finished homes with resource efficient features in categories of site and design; green products; waste management; indoor air quality; energy efficiency; water protection; and universal design. HHA is a project of the Peaks to Prairies Pollution Prevention Information Center, supported by the Pollution Prevention Resource Exchange (P2Rx) and funded by the U.S. EPA.

Tips for Buying Green with the Government Credit Card - Tips to help government credit card holders maker greener choices when buying products, such as electronics.


Integrating Green Purchasing into your Environmental Management System (EMS)
EPA 742-R-05-001 * April 2005

Buying Green Online: Greening Government E-Procurement of Office Supplies
(PDF) (76 pp, 1.5MB) EPA-742-R-04-001 * February 2004
This report provides an overview of recent federal government office supply e-procurement initiatives and includes references to specific products and technologies.

EPA's Green Future for Laboratories: A Case Study of the Kansas City Science & Technology Center (PDF) (16 pp, 3.7MB)
EPA-200-F-03-001 * May 2003

Update #13: Environmentally Preferable Purchasing Program (PDF) (12 pp, 762KB) EPA-742-N-04-001January 2004
Highlights: PBTs in vehicles, Green cleaners, Hospitals For a Healthy Environment Awards, Greening the Government Conference, Federal Electronics Challenge, EPP Database, RCRA Reporting, EMSs.

Update #12: Environmentally Preferable Purchasing Program (PDF) (12 pp, 2.3MB)
EPA-742-N-03-001 * January 2003
Highlights: Interview with John Howard - Federal Environmental Executive; Buying Biobased; EPA EPP Goals; Alternative Fueled Vehicles; Mercury Free Purchasing; Green Meetings; EPP Database.

Building Owners Save Money, Save the Earth: Replace Your CFC Air Conditioning Chiller (PDF) (10 pp, 1.23MB)
EPA-430-F-02-026 * December 2002

BEES 4.0: Building for Environmental and Economic Sustainability (manual + 1 CD-ROM)
EPA-742-R-07-003 * June 2007

Update #11: Environmentally Preferable Purchasing Program (PDF) (12 pp, 1.59MB)
EPA-742-N-02-002 * August 2002
Highlights: EPP Pioneer - Kathy Seikle, Greening of National Parks, North American Conference on Green Purchasing, Scott/Carver revitalization, Online shopping for green office supplies, Public comments on EPP Product Guides, CPG searchable database, Federal Network for Sustainability

Update #10: Environmentally Preferable Purchasing Program (PDF) (12 pp, 2.16MB)
EPA-742-N-02-001 * January 2002
Highlights: EMS and EPP, EPP Pioneer - Cathy Berlow, Product Fact Sheets, Federal Electronics Stewardship Forum, Biobased Lubricants, National Park Service Partnership, EPP Grants

The Greening Curve: Lessons Learned in the Design of the New EPA Campus in North Carolina (PDF) (74 pp, 3.57 MB)
EPA-220-K-02-001 * November 2001

Update #9: Environmentally Preferable Purchasing Program (PDF) (12 pp, 1.97MB)
EPA-742-N-01-002 * August 2001
Highlights: Carpets, EPP Pioneer--Sue Hunt, Paper standards, WasteWise on EPP, King County, Sustainability, Eco-label web sites

Update #8: Environmentally Preferable Purchasing Program (PDF) (12 pp, 2 MB)
EPA-742-N-01-001 * February 2001
Highlights: Electronics MOU, Greening RTP, EPP Training Tool, New Documents, DOI's Green Store, Certified Wood, International EPP Programs, ASTM Green Building, Measurement

Note: Earlier issues of "EPP Update" are available in the EPP section of the PPIC Archive page.

State and Local Government Pioneers: How State and Local Governments Are Implementing Environmentally Preferable Purchasing Practices (PDF) (56 pp, 2.23MB)
EPA-742-R-00-004 * November 2000

Selling Environmental Products to the Government: Your Map to the Federal Marketplace (PDF) (20 pp, 1.14 MB)
EPA-742-K-97-002 * October 2000

Federal Pioneers: Environmentally Preferable Purchasing Success Stories from the Federal Government (PDF) ( 690KB)
EPA-742-F-00-008 * (brochure) * September 2000

Cleaning National Parks: Using Environmentally Preferable Janitorial Products at Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks (PDF) (66 pp, 3.84MB)
EPA-908-R-00-001 * March 2000

Read the Label First! Protect Your Kids (PDF) (2 pp, 0.98MB)
EPA-740-F-00-001 * February 2000

Read the Label First! Protect Your Pet (PDF) (2 pp, 0.98MB)
EPA-740-F-00-002 * February 2000

Read the Label First! Protect Your Garden (PDF) (2 pp, 0.99MB)
EPA-740-F-00-003 * February 2000

Read the Label First! Protect Your Household (PDF) (2 pp, 0.98MB)
EPA-740-F-00-004 * () * February 2000

Painting the Town Green: Aberdeen Proving Ground's Paint Pilot Project (PDF) (26 pp, 1.05MB)
EPA-742-R-99-005 * November 1999

Consumer Labeling Initiative: Phase II Report
EPA-742-R-99-004 * (557 pp) * October 1999

Final Guidance on Environmentally Preferable Purchasing for Executive Agencies; Federal Register Notice
EPA-742-Z-99-002 * (58 pp) * August 1999
PDF version (3.34MB)

Defending the Environment at the Department of Defense: Using Environmentally Preferable Purchasing Procedures to Maintain the Pentagon and Other DOD Facilities (PDF) (22 pp, 445 KB)
EPA-742-R-99-002 * July 1999

Private Sector Pioneers: How Companies are Incorporating Environmentally Preferable Purchasing (PDF) (48 pp, 1.74MB)
EPA-742-R-99-001 * June 1999

Development of Voluntary Consensus Standards for Environmentally Preferable Goods and Services (FRL-6041-6) (PDF) (2 pp 19KB)
EPA-742-Z-99-001 * January 1999

Environmental Labeling Issues, Policies, and Practices Worldwide (PDF) (322 pp, 1.53MB)
EPA-742-R-98-009 * December 1998

Executive Order 13101: Greening the Government Through Waste Prevention, Recycling, and Federal Acquisition (PDF) (9 pp, 94.9 KB)
EPA-742-A-98-001 * September 1998

Parking Lot Project Fact Sheet: An EPP Pilot Project Update (PDF) (4 pp 890.2KB)
EPA-742-F-98-025 * September 1998

The City of Santa Monica's Environmental Purchasing: A Case Study (PDF); (27 pp, 772KB)
EPA-742-R-98-001 * March 1998

Pathway to Product Stewardship: Life Cycle Design as a Business Decision Support Tool [Image file]
EPA-742-R-97-008 * (76 pp) * December 1997

Leading By Example: Two Case Studies Documenting How the EPA Incorporated Environmental Features into New Buildings (PDF) (70 pp, 1.34MB)
EPA-742-R-97-006 * December 1997

Paving the Road to Success: The Department of Defense's Parking Lot Repair and Maintenance Contract, An Environmentally Preferable Purchasing Case Study (PDF) (40 pp, 530KB)
EPA-742-R-97-007 * November 1997

Parking Lot Project Fact Sheet: Paving the Road to Success(PDF) (2 pp, 192KB)
EPA-742-F-97-003 * November 1997

Environmental Marketing Claims
EPA-744-F-97-005 * (8 pp) * April 1997

Consumer Labeling Initiative: Phase I Report
EPA-700-R-96-001 * (162 pp) * September 1996

Determinants of Effectiveness for Environmental Certification and Labeling Programs
[Image file]
EPA-742-R-94-001 * (107 pp) * April 1994

The Use of Life Cycle Assessment in Environmental Labeling (PDF) (60 pp, 3.04MB)
EPA-742-R-93-003 * September 1993

"Green" Advertising Claims (PDF) ( 1.05MB)
EPA-530-F-92-024 * (brochure) * October 1992

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PBT Program & Hospitals for a Healthy Environment

Web Resources

Hospitals for a Healthy Environment (H2E) Exit EPA Disclaimer is an effort led by the American Hospital Association and the U.S. EPA to advance pollution prevention efforts in our nation's hospitals. Through activities such as the development of best practices, model plans for total waste management, resource directories, and case studies, the project hopes to provide hospitals and healthcare systems with enhanced tools for minimizing the volumes of waste generated and the production of persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic pollutants.

EPA's Mercury Website provides general, regulatory, and technical information on efforts to reduce the amount of mercury in the environment.

EPA's cross-office, multimedia Persistent, Bioaccumulative, and Toxic (PBT) Chemical Program is working to further reduce risks to human health and the environment from existing and future exposure to priority PBT pollutants. While the Program emphasizes prevention as a means to stop the transfer of PBT pollutants across environmental media, it is designed to utilize all of the Agency's tools.


Breaking the Cycle: 2001-2002 PBT Program Accomplishments
EPA-742-R-03-001 * (50 pp) * April 2003

2000 PBT Program Accomplishments (PDF) (28 pp, 1.65MB)
EPA-742-R-01-003 * November 2001

Hospitals for a Healthy Environment: Voluntary Partnership with the American Hospital Association to Reduce Hospital Waste (PDF) ( 25.4KB)
EPA-742-F-99-016 * (1 p) * October 2000

Draft Multimedia Strategy for Priority Persistent, Bioaccumulative, and Toxic (PBT) Pollutants
EPA-742-D-98-001 * (29 pp) * November 1998
PDF version  [835KB)

Draft Multimedia Strategy for Priority Persistent, Bioaccumulative, and Toxic (PBT) Pollutants Fact Sheet
EPA-742-F-98-020 * (2 pp) * November 1998

Draft Mercury Action Plan
EPA-742-D-98-002 * (23 pp) * November 1998
PDF version (140KB)

Memorandum of Understanding Between the United States Environmental Protection Agency and the American Hospital Association Exit EPA Disclaimer
EPA-742-F-99-018 * (11 pp) * June 1998

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Design for the Environment

Green Chemistry and Green Engineering

Web Resources

Green Chemistry is the design, manufacture, and use of environmentally benign chemical products and processes in areas such as dry cleaning, screen printing, and electronics

The goal of the Green Engineering Program is to incorporate risk-related concepts into chemical processes and products designed by academia and industry.


The Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge Award Entries and Recipients 2007 (PDF) (75 pp, 365K)

The Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge Award Entries and Recipients 2006 (PDF) (70 pp, 489K)

The Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge Awards Program: Nomination Package for 2008 Awards (PDF) (12 pp, 237K)
EPA744-K-07-001 * June 2007

The Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge Awards Program: Nomination Package for 2006 Awards (PDF) (15 pp)
EPA-744-K-05-001 * June 2005

Folleto de información sobre la química verde (PDF) (2 pp, 50KB)
(Spanish version of Green Chemistry Program Fact Sheet)
EPA-742-F-02-003S * March 2002

El Certamen Presidencial sobre Química Verde: Otorgamiento de premios (PDF) (2 pp, 108KB)
(Spanish version of Green Chemistry Challenge: Awards Opportunities)
EPA-744-F-02-001S * May 2003

El Certamen Presidencial sobre Química Verde: Subvenciones para la Investigación
(PDF) (2 pp, 100KB)
(Spanish version of The Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge: Research Grant Opportunities)
EPA-744-F-03-003S * May 2003

Green Chemistry Expert System (GCES) Version 0.99 - Fact Sheet (PDF) (2 pp, 194 KB)
EPA-744-F-02-005 * March 2002

Green Chemistry Expert System (GCES) Version 0.99 for Windows
EPA-744-C-98-004 * November 1998 - Software download info

Green Chemistry Expert System (GCES) Version 0.99 - User's Manual (PDF) (45 pp, 449KB)
EPA-742-R-98-011 * November 1998


Design for the Environment (DfE) Program

Web Resources

Design for the Environment is an EPA partnership program which works with industry sectors to improve the performance and reduce the human health and environmental risks and costs of existing and alternative products and processes. DfE's partnership projects promote integrating cleaner, cheaper, smarter solutions into everyday business practices.


Please see the DfE Publications page to place orders for Design for the Environment publications. Please note: You should complete your order for PPIC Resource List publications by filling out the order form at the bottom of this page before linking to the DfE Publications page to order DfE Publications. These pages have separate order forms.

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