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Anacostia Park

Demonstrations, Foot Races/Walkathons, Education/Career Fairs and Training events may require a Special Use Permit.  If your activity does not fall within the descriptions above, contact staff within Anacostia Park for a determination. You can call at (202) 472-3873.

Special Use Permit applications may be requested by phone, mail, or in person at the National Park Service National Capital Region – Park Programs Office, 1100 Ohio Dr. SW, Washington, DC 20242, phone (202) 619-7225 fax (202) 401-2430 .  Completed applications should be returned to the Park Program Office for review. Before any special event permit is approved the group requesting the permit may be asked to meet with National Park Service staff for a logistics meeting. In some cases an insurance bond may be required at the permitee’s expense prior to approval.

Pennsylvania Avenue  

Did You Know?
The Grand Review of the Union Armies, May 23rd and 24th 1865, was one of the greatest spectacles ever staged on Pennsylvania Avenue. It expressed jubilant relief that the war was finally over.

Last Updated: July 25, 2006 at 00:29 EST