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 You are in: Under Secretary for Democracy and Global Affairs > Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs > Sustainable Development > Remarks, Briefings, Releases  
Under Secretary for Democracy and Global Affairs
Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs
Sustainable Development
Remarks, Briefings, Releases


--12/10/02  Statement On Agenda Item A.l.25: Oceans and the Law of the Sea; Ambassador Mary Beth West, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Oceans and Fisheries; Statement During the Fifty-seventh Session of the United Nations in Plenary Session; New York, New York
--09/05/02  Remarks at Environmental Roundtable at Ekwata; Secretary Colin L. Powell; Libreville, Gabon
--09/04/02  Press Briefing ; Secretary Colin L. Powell; Johannesburg, South Africa
--09/04/02  Remarks at the Congo Basin Forest Partnership Launch; Secretary Colin L. Powell; St. David's Marist College; Johannesburg, South Africa
--09/04/02  Remarks with Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Christine Todd Whitman at Summit Institute for Sustainable Development Event; Secretary Colin L. Powell; St. David's Marist College; Johannesburg, South Africa
--09/04/02  Remarks with Japanese Foreign Minister Yoriko Kawaguchi at the Announcement of the Clean Water for People Initiative; Secretary Colin L. Powell; St. David's Marist College; Johannesburg, South Africa
--09/04/02  Closing Statement -- World Summit on Sustainable Development; Paula J. Dobriansky, Under Secretary of State for Global Affairs; Closing Statement at the 2002 World Summit on Sustainable Development; Johannesburg, South Africa
--09/04/02  Remarks at World Summit on Sustainable Development; Secretary Colin L. Powell; Sandton Convention Center; Johannesburg, South Africa [ listen audio]; [ listen dsl/cable]; [ listen dial-up modem]
--09/03/02  Press Briefing; John F. Turner, Assistant Secretary of State for Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs; Press Briefing remarks, Word Summit on Sustainable Development; Johannesburg, South Africa
--09/03/02  Summit Institute for Sustainable Development
--09/03/02  Where We Are Now and The Road Ahead; John F. Turner, Assistant Secretary of State for Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs; On-the-Record Briefing, World Summit on Sustainable Development; Johannesburg, South Africa
--09/02/02  U.S. Oceans Initiatives; John F. Turner, Assistant Secretary of State for Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs; Press Briefing remarks, World Summit on Sustainable Development; Johannesburg, South Africa
--08/30/02  Press Briefing on Good Domestic Governance; Kelly Johnson, Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General, U.S. Department of Justice; Johannesburg, South Africa
--08/29/02  Announcement of Partnerships Initiatives; Paula J. Dobriansky, Under Secretary of State for Global Affairs; Statement at the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD); Johannesburg, South Africa
--08/29/02  Media Briefing; Paula Dobriansky, Andrew Natsios, James Moseley, James Connaughton, Claude Allen, Linda Fisher; Sandton Convention Center; Johannesburg, South Africa
--08/29/02  Press Briefing on U.S. Leadership and Health; Claude Allen, Deputy Secretary, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services; Johannesburg, South Africa
--08/23/02  Envirolaw Conference 2002; John F. Turner, Assistant Secretary of State for Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs; Remarks at Envirolaw Conference 2002; Durban, South Africa
--08/20/02  West Africa Water Initiative; Secretary Colin L. Powell; Washington, DC
--08/19/02  Leader of U.S. Delegation to World Summit on Sustainable Development; President Bush; Crawford, Texas
--08/19/02  Travel by Secretary of State Colin L. Powell to Africa
--07/29/02  U.S. Department of State Addresses Global Young Leaders' Conference
--07/12/02  Making Sustainable Development Work: Governance, Finance, and Public-Private Cooperation; Secretary Colin L. Powell; Remarks at State Department Conference, Meridian International Center; Washington, DC
--07/12/02  Making Sustainable Development Work: Governance, Finance And Public-Private Cooperation; Raoul Restucci, President and CEO of Shell Exploration and Production Company; Remarks at State Department Conference, Meridian International Center; Washington, DC
--07/12/02  Making Sustainable Development Work: Governance, Finance and Public-Private Cooperation; R. Glenn Hubbard, Chairman, President's Council of Economic Advisers; Remarks at State Department Conference, Meridian International Center; Washington, DC
--07/12/02  Making Sustainable Development Work: Governance, Finance and Public-Private Cooperation; Paula J. Dobriansky, Under Secretary of State for Global Affairs; Opening Remarks at State Department Conference, Meridian International Center; Washington, DC
--07/12/02  Making Sustainable Development Work: Governance, Finance and Public-Private Cooperation; Fred Scheick, Deputy Administrator, U.S. Agency for International Development; Remarks at State Department Conference, Meridian International Center; Washington, DC
--07/12/02  Making Sustainable Development Work: Governance, Finance and Public-Private Cooperation; Dr. Zmarak Shalizi, World Bank, World Development Report 2003 Director; Remarks at State Department Conference, Meridian International Center; Washington, DC
--07/11/02  Secretary of State Colin L. Powell to Address Conference on Sustainable Development
--07/11/02  U.S. Department of State Conference on Sustainable Development
--06/07/02  Closing Plenary of the Fourth Session of the Preparatory Committee for the World Summit on Sustainable Development; Paula J. Dobriansky, Under Secretary of State for Global Affairs; Statement at Closing Plenary ; Bali, Indonesia
--06/07/02  Interactive Dialogue on Elements of a Political Declaration; Ambassador Sichan Siv, U.S. Representative to the United Nations Economic and Social Council; Remarks to the Fourth Session of the Preparatory Committee (Ministerial Level) for the United Nations World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD); Bali, Indonesia
--06/05/02  Goals at the World Summit on Sustainable Development; Paula J. Dobriansky, Under Secretary of State for Global Affairs; Remarks to the Fourth Session of the Preparatory Committee for the World Summit on Sustainable Development; Bali, Indonesia
--05/27/02  Fourth Session of the Preparatory Committee for the UN World Summit on Sustainable Development, May 27-June 7, 2002; Jonathan A. Margolis, Head of the United States Delegation; Remarks to the Fourth Session of the Preparatory Committee (Ministerial Level); Bali, Indonesia
--05/23/02  Vision Statement for the World Summit on Sustainable Development
--05/23/02  Working Together To Build Prosperity ; Paula J. Dobriansky, Under Secretary of State for Global Affairs; Remarks to the Council on Foreign Relations/The Brookings Institution; Washington, DC
--05/21/02  Ministerial Preparatory Meeting for the World Summit On Sustainable Development
--05/17/02  Sustainable Development; E. Anthony Wayne, Assistant Secretary for Economic and Business Affairs; Address to World Environment Center's Fourth Gold Medal Colloquium; Washington, DC
--04/25/02  World Summit on Sustainable Development: Ensuring a Successful Outcome; Paula J. Dobriansky, Under Secretary for Global Affairs; Remarks to the European Institute; Washington, DC
--04/17/02  Convention on Biological Diversity; Jeffry Burnam, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Environment; Statement to the Ministerial Roundtable, Sixth Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity; The Hague, The Netherlands
--04/09/02  Upcoming World Summit on Sustainable Development; John F. Turner, Assistant Secretary for Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs; Remarks at World Summit on Sustainable Development Outcomes Conference; Johannesburg, South Africa
--04/09/02  World Summit on Sustainable Development Outcomes; Walter H. Kansteiner, III, Assistant Secretary for African Affairs; Remarks to the WSSD Outcomes Conference; Johannesburg, South Africa
--03/24/02  Approval of Central American-U.S. Joint Declaration Action Plan
--03/22/02  President Outlines U.S. Plan to Help World's Poor; President Bush; Remarks to United Nations Financing for Development Center; Cintermex Convention Center, Monterrey Mexico
--03/14/02  Briefing on the International Conference on Financing for Development , March 15
--03/14/02  Global Development; President Bush; Remarks to the Inter-American Development Bank; Washington, DC
--03/06/02  Financing for Development Conference; E. Anthony Wayne, Assistant Secretary for Economic and Business Affairs; Remarks to a Joint Meeting of the European Institute, World Affairs Council of Washington, DC, and UN Washington Office; Washington, DC
--02/28/02  Turning the Corner on Development: A Private Sector Growth Strategy; Alan P. Larson, Under Secretary for Economic, Business, and Agricultural Affairs; Remarks and Q&A at the London Business School; London, United Kingdom
--02/25/02  Economic Development, Agriculture, and Sustainability; Alan P. Larson, Under Secretary for Economic, Business, and Agricultural Affairs; Remarks to the European Partners for the Environment (EPE); Brussels, Belgium
--02/05/02  Science and Technology for Sustainable Development; Dr. Norman Neureiter, Science and Technology Advisor to the Secretary of State; U.S. briefing to NGOs at World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) PrepCom II; New York, New York
--02/01/02  World Summit on Sustainable Development; Ambassador Sichan Siv, U.S. Representative to the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations ; Opening Statement at Second Preparatory Committee Meeting (WSSD PrepCom II); New York, New York
--01/29/02  Financing for Development: The Role of the Global Economy in Combating Poverty; Alan P. Larson, Under Secretary for Economic, Business, and Agricultural Affairs; Conference on "Humanizing the Global Economy," Catholic Council of Bishops; Catholic University, Washington, DC

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