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Underlying Detail for the National Income and Product Accounts Tables

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  • What's New

    September 29, 2008 - Estimates for second quarter 2008 have been updated in the underlying detail tables to reflect the September 26 GDP release.


    September 4, 2008 - Errata to Underlying Detail table 7.2.5s
    Underlying Detail table 7.2.5s line 21 "Overall average expenditure per light truck" and line 22 "Average consumer expenditure per light truck" have been corrected to show dollars per vehicle, not 10s of dollars as shown previously.


    August 29, 2008 - Estimates for second quarter 2008 have been updated in the underlying detail tables to reflect the August 28 GDP release.


    August 5, 2008 - The underlying detail tables have been updated to include the 2nd quarter advance release of GDP and the 2008 annual revision of the NIPAs, which covers annual and quarterly estimates for 2005-2007 and the first quarter of 2008.