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Compliance and Enforcement Quick Finder


Refrigerants/Stratospheric Ozone Protection

National Information

Over the past several decades, significant strides have been made to protect the earth's stratospheric ozone layer. Ozone is a gas that occurs both in the Earth's upper atmosphere (the stratosphere) and at ground level.

Countries around the world are phasing out the production and use of chemicals that destroy ozone in the Earth's stratosphere. The U.S. has already phased out production of those substances having the greatest potential to deplete the ozone layer. At the same time, businesses and consumers have alternatives that are safer for the ozone layer than the chemicals they replace. These vital measures are helping to protect human health and the global environment.

Thinning ozone layers allows more UV radiation to reach the Earth's surface. Several health effects are caused by overexposure to UV radiation, such as, skin cancer, premature aging, eye damage (including cataracts) and suppression of the immune system.

Most Frequently Asked Questions

Refrigerant Recovery or Recycling Device Acquisition Certification Form

CFC Complaint letter

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CFC Complaint form (pdf 67.2 KB 2 pgs) - print, fill-out and mail to CFC Program Manager.

For additional information, please feel free to contact:

Joyce A. Johnson
CFC Program Manager
Stratospheric Ozone Protection
U.S. EPA, Region 6
1445 Ross Avenue (6EN-H)
Dallas, TX 75202-2733
(214) 665-8548

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