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Boston National Historical Park
People and Places
Kids signing a document with a quill pen

Since 1984, Boston People & Places Program has provided education experiences that introduce Boston Public School elementary and middle students to Boston’s unique and colorful history. Through pre-visit activities and hands-on programs, students see the past through the eyes of people from all walks of life and visit places in which memorable events occurred.


Boston People & Places programs are free for Boston Public Schools and are designed to complement Massachusetts’ curriculum frameworks in social studies, language arts and science. Please see the program descriptions to find out which field trips are appropriate for the grade you teach.

The Boston National Historical Park programs are free to all schools, but the programs offered by the other historical sites listed in this brochure charge a fee for non-Boston Public Schools .



Each summer, Boston People & Places Program offers a teacher workshop. For more information about the workshop, please contact any of the people listed beneath the program descriptions. Teachers may earn professional development points and/or graduate credit for these workshops.

For more details. . .



Please contact the person listed at the bottom of the program description. Slots fill quickly, so please make your reservation early! The site will send you a confirmation along with directions and pre-visit materials to help you prepare your class for a program.


A limited number of free buses are available to Boston Public Schools only. Please inquire when you make your program reservation.



King's Chapel  

Did You Know?
Next time they pass the plate at King's Chapel in Boston, give generously. The steeple hasn't yet been completed. They started working on it in 1749

Last Updated: December 02, 2008 at 15:08 EST