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This flash is showing time on Mars: Spirit: Current Sol, Time and Sols Past "Warranty" This flash is showing time on Mars: Opportunity: Current Sol, Time and Sols Past "Warranty"
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Red Rover Goes to Mars
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Spirit:  Warming Up on Mars >>
Opportunity:  Slipping Like a Dune Buggy >>
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Read the update 'NASA'S Mars Rover to Head Toward Bigger Crater' NASA'S Mars Rover to Head Toward Bigger Crater
NASA's Mars Rover Opportunity is setting its sights on a crater more than 20 times larger than its home for the past two years. >>
Read the update 'NASA Mars Rover Opportunity Ascends to Level Ground' NASA Mars Rover Opportunity Ascends to Level Ground
NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity has climbed out of the large crater that it had been examining from the inside since last September. >>
Read the update 'NASA's Mars Rover Opportunity Climbing out of Crater' NASA's Mars Rover Opportunity Climbing out of Crater
NASA's Mars Exploration rover Opportunity is heading back out to the Red Planet's surrounding plains nearly a year after descending into a large Martian crater to examine exposed ancient rock layers. >>
Read the update 'A Tribute to Mars Exploration' A Tribute to Mars Exploration
As Americans celebrate Labor Day 2008, six flags stand in silent salute to the U.S. workforce on Mars. Three of the flags are on spacecraft still exploring Mars. >>
Read the update 'Shoulder Motor Balks on Opportunity's Robotic Arm' Shoulder Motor Balks on Opportunity's Robotic Arm
A small motor in the robotic arm of NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity that began stalling occasionally more than two years ago has become more troublesome recently. >>
Read the update 'Mars Rovers Sharpen Questions About Livable Conditions' Mars Rovers Sharpen Questions About Livable Conditions
Like salt used as a preservative, high concentrations of dissolved minerals in the wet, early-Mars environment known from discoveries by NASA's Opportunity rover may have thwarted any microbes from developing or surviving. >>
Read more about 'Astronomers Monitor Asteroid to Pass Near Mars' Astronomers Monitor Asteroid to Pass Near Mars
Updated: Jan 9, 2008
As expected, scientists at JPL's Near-Earth Object Office have further refined the trajectory estimate for asteroid 2007 WD5 and ruled out any possibility of a Mars impact on Jan. >>
Read more about 'Alignment on December 24, 2007' Alignment on December 24, 2007
This is a special day that happens only every 26 months when Earth is exactly between the Sun and Mars. Find out more about opposition and experiment with Mars and Earth in their orbits. >>
Read the press release 'Software Helps Mars Rovers Find Winter Havens' Software Helps Mars Rovers Find Winter Havens
Spirit Gets Help for Finding a Winter Haven New software is helping the rover team find safe places for Spirit to ride out future Martian winters and places for future explorations by both Mars rovers. >>
Read the news release 'Mars Rover Investigates Signs of Steamy Martian Past' Mars Rover Investigates Signs of Steamy Martian Past
Researchers using NASA's twin Mars rovers are sorting out two possible origins for one of Spirit's most important discoveries, while also getting Spirit to a favorable spot for surviving the next Martian winter >>
Read the update 'NASA Extends Operations for Its Long-Lived Mars Rovers' NASA Extends Operations for Its Long-Lived Mars Rovers
NASA is extending, for a fifth time, the activities of the Mars Exploration Rovers, Spirit and Opportunity. >>
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Watch the Flight Director's Update
Flight Director's Update
Jul 31:  As Martian winter ebbs, there is more energy to power Spirit and Opportunity. Find out what our intrepid rovers are exploring
View the video 'Mars Rovers Battle Severe Dust Storm'
Mars Rovers Battle Severe Dust Storm
View the video 'Opportunity Poised to Enter Victoria Crater'
Opportunity Poised to Enter Victoria Crater
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Spirit's scene of the setting sun
Current: Month in Review Slideshow
Month in Review Slideshow
Watch the video 'Mars scientist Diana Blaney studies the Red Planet from Hawaii.'
Mars scientist Diana Blaney studies the Red Planet from Hawaii
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