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Lands and Realty Training Opportunities

NTC Course Schedules

National Lands Training For Line Officers and Program Managers
Managing Major Rights-of-way Training
Wireless Telecommunications Training 
Electric Systems Short Course
Pipeline Systems Training

National Lands Training For Line Officers and Program Managers

Owyhee Canyon in Oregon 

National Lands Training For Line Officers and
Program Managers Course 
BLM_TC Course 2000-23

Course Dates: See Course Catalog


Basic Curriculum: This course is presented in two units using discussion and case study methods. The first unit provides an overview of history, evolution of public land laws and policies, legal issues and how current Congressional and Agency/Bureau decisions affect lands administration. The second unit presents various lands related tools and helps participating managers support and evaluate staff specialist performance in solving lands related issues on their units. The course closes with a dialogue panel with presentations by 3rd party land facilitators, administration personnel and congressional staffers.

Target Group: Forest Service line officers at FS Region, Forest and District and BLM State and Field level managers with lands responsibilities


To provide line officers and managers with concepts and principles unique to lands management responsibilities and to enhance competency in application of lands policies and procedures.

Tuition: None

Length: 4 1/2 days

BLM Contact: Mary Jo Yoas (602) 906-5533

FS Contact: Your Regional Training Coordinator or Bill Woodland (202) 205-1035.

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Managing Major Rights-of-way Training

Powerline Right-of-wayManaging Major Rights-of-Way (ROW) Projects

NTC Course 2000-11

Course Dates: See Course Catalog








Use Authorization Curriculum

NTC is developing training where agencies and industry learn together about what it takes for the industries to do business - from both sides. A comprehensive course on rights-of-way processing and project management from pre-application to project termination. Diverse industry experts join BLM to share expertise in major rights-of-way project management and communication.

Target Group:

Realty Specialists, Land Law Examiners, Surface Protection Specialists, and other staff involved in the managing of major rights-of-way projects. Industry personnel also participate as trainees.

Tuition: $650 for non- BLM and FS participants

Upon completion of this class, students will be able to:

  • Structure pre-application meeting while demonstrating effective communication skills.
  • Demonstrate application processing and cost reimbursement responsibilities.
  • Apply NEPA requirements for land use plans consistency, environmental documentation and third-party contractors.
  • Use Plans of Development and apply relationship to NEPA documentation and compliance.
  • Review decision documents, grants, terms & conditions, stipulations, rental, and bonding information.
  • Understand construction administration, procedures, compliance, and rehabilitation.

Length: 5 days

Contact: Mary Jo Yoas (602) 906-5533

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Wireless Telecommunications Training

Wireless Telecommunications Site
Siting Wireless Telecommunications Facilities

BLM-TC Course 2000-21

Course Dates: See Course Catalog

Use Authorization Curriculum

Developed as a collaborative effort by several federal agencies (BLM & USFS) and the Cellular Telecommunications Industry Association. This course provides participants with information on the siting, construction, operation, and management of wireless telecommunications systems.

Trainees must perform a site-selection exercise. Site field trip includes: The trainee will identify new regulatory requirements and agency policies, distinguish among different wireless communications technologies and services, and identify ways to improve the processing of applications. The goal is to gain a common understanding of what's important for the agencies and industry for telecommunications services and foster good customer. service

Target Group:

Realty Specialists, Telecommunications Specialists, Special Use Coordinators, Industry Acquisition Specialists


$0 for companies not members of Cellular Telecommunications Industry Association; and agencies not participating in course delivery.


By the end of the training course, the trainee will properly select telecommunications sites and rights-of-way using various agency and industry planning tools and appropriate mitigation/restoration practices.

Length: 3 1/2 days

Contact: Mary Jo Yoas (602) 906-5533

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Electric Systems Short Course

Electric Systems Short Course Participants


Electric Systems Short Course

BLM-TC Course 

Course Dates: See Catalog

Use Authorization Curriculum:

Developed as a collaborative effort by several federal agencies (BLM, USFWS, USFS, NPS & FERC) and the Edison Electric Institute, this course provides participants with information on the siting, construction, operation, and management of electric utility systems. It discusses agency roles and responsibilities in the application and compliance process. Join with Federal counterparts and industry representatives to explore opportunities to minimize the impact of electric utility systems on the environment. Identify opportunities for increased interagency and industry cooperation.

Target Group:

Realty specialists, environmental specialists (both agency and industry ROW specialists), and others working with the authorization of electric utility projects.


$650 for companies not members of Edison Electric Institute; and agencies not participating in course delivery.
Upon completion of this class, the trainees will be able to:

  1. Discuss the historical development of electric utility industry and identification of electric utility systems.
  2. Identify opportunities to coordinate interagency/industry cooperation efforts to:
    - minimize environmental impacts,
    - comply with federal requirements,
    - meet industry needs currently and in the future, and
    - the roles and responsibilities in authorizations.
  3. Apply current technologies associated with electric utility design, siting, construction, operation, and maintenance procedures, and appropriate mitigation/restoration practices.
  4. Properly select electric utility sites and rights-of-way using various agency and industry planning tools.

Length: 4 ½ days

Contact: Mary Jo Yoas (602) 906-5533

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Pipeline Systems Training

Pipeline Systems Course Participants

Pipeline Systems Course

BLM-TC Course 2000-13

Course Dates: See Course Catalog

Use Authorization Curriculum:

Developed as a collaborative effort by several federal agencies (BLM, USFWS, USFS, NPS & FERC) and the International Right-of-Way Associations International Pipeline Committee, this course provides you with information on the siting, construction, operation, and management of oil and gas pipeline systems. It discusses agency roles and responsibilities in the application and compliance process.  Join with Federal counterparts and industry representatives to explore opportunities to minimize the impact of pipeline systems on the environment. Identify opportunities for increased interagency and industry cooperation.

Target Group:

Realty specialists, environmental specialists (both agency and industry ROW specialists), and others working with the authorization of oil and gas pipeline projects.


$500 for companies not members of International Right-of-Way Associations International Pipeline Committee; and agencies not participating in course delivery.

Upon completion of this class, the trainees will be able to:

    1. Discuss the historical development of pipeline industry and identification of pipeline systems.
    2. Identify opportunities to coordinate interagency/industry cooperation efforts to:
      - minimize environmental impacts,
      -comply with federal requirements,
      -meet industry needs currently and in the future and
      -the roles and responsibilities in authorizations.
    3. Apply current technologies associated with pipeline design, siting, construction, operation, and maintenance procedures, and appropriate mitigation/restoration practices.
    4. Properly select pipeline rights-of-way using various agency and industry planning tools.

Length: 4 days

Contact: Mary Jo Yoas (602) 906-5533

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Last updated: 07-11-2008