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Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month with the National Register of Historic Places, National Park Service

[graphic text] Stength in Unity, Faith and Diversity

Just released -- the Spanish Version of our new National Register of Historic Places brochure

September 15 - October 15

The National Register of Historic Places is pleased to help foster the general public's awareness, understanding, and appreciation for Hispanic culture during National Hispanic Heritage Month. As part of the celebration, this site highlights various publications, properties listed in the National Register, and National Parks that deal directly with the ingenuity, creativity, cultural, and political experiences of Hispanic Americans. Join the National Register of Historic Places in recognizing and exploring the achievements of a people that have contributed so much to American culture.


[photo] One of the sites featured in the Santa Clara, California Travel Itinerary is the Luis Maria Peralta Adobe, home to Manuel Gonzalez one of the founders of San Jose in the late 18th century
Photograph by Judith Silva, courtesy of the City of Santa Clara

Just released!! We are excited to announce the online publication of the Spanish Version of our new brochure--a comprehensive look at all of the National Register's activities from the effects of listing to our educational outreach programs. Its the National Register from A to Z--en Español! Soon to be available in print.

National Register Travel Itineraries
Travel to historic places that convey the rich cultural heritage of our American Indian population with inspiring stories of their perseverance across America.

  • Santa Clara, California
    Learn more about Spanish and Mexican-American heritage by traveling virtually to the Santa Clara Valley--the latest in our series of on-line itineraries.
  • National Register Printed Itineraries
    These itineraries are self-guided tours to National Parks and other historic places in the American Southwest, California Coast, South/West Texas, Puerto Rico/Virgin Islands, and Along the Georgia-Florida Coast. All five itineraries contain Hispanic American resources, and each includes detailed maps, tourist information, location information, and color photographs.

Teaching with Historic Places
This program offers a series of lesson plans that use places listed in the National Register to examine subjects that are part of history and social studies curricula. Included among the many lessons now available on-line are eight that focus on Hispanic History:

Featured Historic Properties

[photo] Cine El Rey, McAllen, Texas
Photograph courtesy of the Texas Historical Commission

Cine El Rey
Discover South Texas's most luxurious "Mexican Theatre"

Rancho Camulos
Learn more about the inspiration for the setting of the novel Ramona

Trevino-Uribe Rancho
One of the most significant examples of Spanish/Mexican vernacular architecture in the United States

History in the Parks

[photo] De Soto National Memorial, this year's featured National Park
National Park Service photo

Cultural Resources Management
"CRM" is the flagship publication of the NPS Cultural Resources Stewardship and Partnership Programs and contains articles on the full range of cultural resources management and preservation topics. The following issues deal directly with questions regarding Hispanic cultural resources.

Diversity in the National Park Service
A highlight of the National Park Service's on-going efforts to reflect the diversity of American culture.

This Tuscon-based website contains a wide variety of information for English-speaking Hispanic-Americans.

Library of Congress: Built in America (HABS/HAER)
The Historic American Buildings Survey (HABS) and the Historic American Engineering Record (HAER) collections document achievements in architecture, engineering, and design in the United States through a comprehensive range of building types and engineering technologies, including sites related to Hispanic history and culture. Searches on keywords like "Spanish," "missions," or "Spanish forts" will provide information on an array of associated sites. Most of the site records have publication-quality drawings, photographs and historical data.

National Register Information System
Since its inception in 1966, more than 76,000 properties have been listed in the National Register. Together these files hold information on more than one million individual resources--buildings, sites, districts, structures, and objects--and therefore provide a link to the country's heritage at the national, State, and local levels. Search by name, location, agency, or theme to locate National Register properties associated with Hispanic history.

Past Hispanic Heritage Month Features
For more information about other Hispanic properties listed in the National Register, please visit our past features from 2001 and 2000.

Spanish Colonial Research Center
As a way of recognizing our Spanish colonial past in the United States and in commemoration of the Columbus Quincentennial in 1992, the National Park Service established the Spanish Colonial Research Center in partnership with the University of New Mexico. The center's primary purpose is serving research needs by providing a computerized data base from Spanish colonial documents. More than 85,000 pages of microfilmed Spanish colonial documents and approximately 4,500 maps, architectural plans, and sketches of North America have been accumulated.

Cine El Rey | Rancho Camulos | Trevino-Uribe Rancho
De Soto National Memorial | Hispanic Heritage Home | NR HOME

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