1997 Nonemployer Statistics

Includes only firms subject to federal income tax. Nonemployers are businesses with no paid employees. Introductory text includes scope and methodology. More detail is available for employers. For descriptions of column headings and rows (industries), click on the appropriate underlined element in the table.
Description All taxable firms Nonemployers Employers
Value of
31-33 Manufacturing 15,563 76,480,563 7,472 235,669 8,091 76,244,894
311 Food mfg 977 14,820,648 320 14,036 657 14,806,612
3111 Animal food mfg 85 599,359 13 877 72 598,482
3112 Grain & oilseed milling 60 2,644,590 15 1,957 45 2,642,633
3113 Sugar & confectionery product mfg N N D D 28 826,931
3114 Fruit & vegetable preserving & specialty food mfg 88 795,355 41 1,633 47 793,722
3115 Dairy product mfg 101 N 21 2,347 80 D
3116 Meat product mfg 115 4,235,802 31 2,030 84 4,233,772
3117 Seafood product preparation & packaging N N D D 5 D
3118 Bakeries & tortilla mfg 317 728,729 96 3,046 221 725,683
3119 Other food mfg 150 1,049,036 75 1,726 75 1,047,310
312 Beverage & tobacco product mfg 70 899,173 31 971 39 898,202
313 Textile mills 48 107,177 9 64 39 107,113
314 Textile product mills 186 123,430 59 1,192 127 122,238
315 Apparel mfg 718 155,503 601 12,186 117 143,317
316 Leather & allied product mfg 105 376,991 76 958 29 376,033
3161 Leather & hide tanning & finishing N N D D 4 D
3162 Footwear mfg N N D D 6 D
3169 Other leather & allied product mfg 72 N 53 707 19 D
321 Wood product mfg 1,500 2,532,691 1,137 33,552 363 2,499,139
322 Paper mfg 176 4,050,977 46 1,355 130 4,049,622
323 Printing & related support activities 1,704 4,333,942 682 25,866 1,022 4,308,076
324 Petroleum & coal products mfg 46 3,451,716 17 491 29 3,451,225
325 Chemical mfg 322 2,831,037 83 4,291 239 2,826,746
3251 Basic chemical mfg N N D D 33 250,796
3252 Resin, syn rubber, & artificial & syn fibers & filaments mfg 10 61,217 6 386 4 60,831
3253 Pesticide, fertilizer, & other agricultural chemical mfg 31 83,545 12 500 19 83,045
3254 Pharmaceutical & medicine mfg N N D D 42 712,764
3255 Paint, coating, & adhesive mfg 38 169,898 13 375 25 169,523
3256 Soap, cleaning compound, & toilet preparation mfg 84 1,155,559 27 1,163 57 1,154,396
3259 Other chemical product mfg 74 396,133 15 742 59 395,391
326 Plastics & rubber products mfg 530 2,852,373 124 6,371 406 2,846,002
327 Nonmetallic mineral product mfg 573 2,277,485 249 5,574 324 2,271,911
3271 Clay product & refractory mfg 141 N 113 1,795 28 D
3272 Glass & glass product mfg 113 440,397 83 1,993 30 438,404
3273 Cement & concrete product mfg 244 711,739 23 949 221 710,790
3279 Other nonmetallic mineral product mfg 74 1,112,851 30 837 44 1,112,014
331 Primary metal mfg 192 1,136,314 106 3,935 86 1,132,379
332 Fabricated metal product mfg 2,315 6,738,044 779 29,137 1,536 6,708,907
333 Machinery mfg 1,407 7,405,861 503 18,424 904 7,387,437
334 Computer & electronic product mfg 637 10,957,695 164 5,903 473 10,951,792
335 Electrical equipment, appliance, & component mfg 350 1,885,868 196 5,437 154 1,880,431
336 Transportation equipment mfg 259 5,015,697 56 3,443 203 5,012,254
337 Furniture & related product mfg 910 1,293,076 396 12,249 514 1,280,827
339 Miscellaneous mfg 2,538 3,234,865 1,838 50,234 700 3,184,631
3391 Medical equipment & supplies mfg 382 1,958,164 69 2,733 313 1,955,431
3399 Other miscellaneous mfg 2,156 1,276,701 1,769 47,501 387 1,229,200
D Withheld to avoid disclosure;   N Not available; S Withheld because data do not meet publication standards;   W Wholesale receipts for nonemployers are not comparable to wholesale sales for employers;   X Industry not in scope of Economic Census for employers;   t Total does not include employer data for out-of-scope industries;   r revised subsequent to initial publication

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Source: 1997 Economic Census:   Nonemployer Statistics and Geographic Area Series (for employers)

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