November 8, 2008, Herald Today
In food crisis, Mexican valley offers...
On the walls of some farmhouses here, a photo of a one-time Iowa farm boy hangs along with a portrait of the pope. The American long ago wrought a kind of miracle in the wheat fields of this valley, one that today's world hungers for...
November 8, 2008, Lexington Herald Leader
In food crisis, Mexican valley offers...
By JULIE WATSON - Associated Press Writer CIUDAD OBREGON, Mexico -- On the walls of some farmhouses here, a photo of a one-time Iowa farm boy hangs along with a portrait of the...
November 8, 2008,
Scientists search for the top banana
ROTTERDAM, Netherlands -- It's not easy to keep a banana yellow. To get it to market ripe but unblemished by brown sugar spots takes careful timing, a slight fiddling with nature's rhythms and a delivery system that is increasingly computer-driven and...
November 8, 2008, ABC News
In Food Crisis, Mexican Valley Offers...
On the walls of some farmhouses here, a photo of a one-time Iowa farm boy hangs along with a portrait of the pope. The American long ago wrought a kind of miracle in the wheat fields of this valley, one that today's world hungers for...
November 8, 2008, The Financial Express
Rice may again climb on low stocks: r...
The government s decision to continue with the export ban on non-basmati rice may again push global prices up said a recent report submitted by the Philippines-based International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) which cautioned that because of the shrinking global trade, countries are...
November 8, 2008, Herald News
FOCUS: The future of food production,...
CIUDAD OBREGON, Mexico â On the walls of some farmhouses here, a photo of a one-time Iowa farm boy hangs along with a portrait of the pope. The American long ago wrought a kind of miracle in the wheat fields of this valley, one that todayâ s world hungers for...
November 8, 2008, South Asian Journal
Food crisis a warning we must heed
CANBERRA: THE director-general of the International Water Management Institute, Colin Chartres, has warned that Australia, along with the other developed nations, needs to invest more in research into agriculture and water management and in international...
November 8, 2008, The Wall Street Journal
Heinz Imhof (1942 - 2008)Apostle of T...
A powerful force in agribusiness, Heinz Imhof sowed the promise of genetically modified crops around the world, reaping a fine crop of controversy along the...
November 8, 2008, Philippine Star
IRRI chief volunteers to be human gui...
WASHINGTON International Rice Research Institute chief Dr. Robert Zeigler has said he will be the first to eat genetically modified (GM) golden rice when the IRRI introduces it in the Philippines in 2012 to show Filipinos it is both safe for human consumption and...
November 8, 2008, The Straits Times
Fast lane
By Christopher Tan PHOTO: DAIMLER AG MERC'S 2009 LOOK Is this the new face of Mercedes-Benz? Punters say the Mercedes Concept Fascination, shown as a sporty wagon at last month's Paris Motor Show, is the basis for Merc's new...
November 7, 2008, Sun Star
Invest in agriculture
AN economist urged the government to invest more in infrastructure especially in farm-to-market roads, irrigation and other facilities to make agricultural production in the country more...
November 7, 2008, Calibre
GM cotton absolved of farmer suicides
POOR Indian farmers are not driven to suicide by the pressures of growing genetically modified cotton, concludes a comprehensive review published last month - if anything, suicides among farmers have fallen since Bt cotton was introduced by Monsanto in 2002, quite steeply in some...
November 7, 2008, Reason
"Hey Meaty, You're Making Me So Hot!"
There's something about vegetarianism that co-opts other causesanimal welfare, health, yogic meditation. Everyone seems to want to have a side of philosophy with dinner these...
November 7, 2008,
Science in search of the top banana
ROTTERDAM, Netherlands (AP) _ It's not easy to keep a banana yellow. To get it to market ripe but unblemished by brown sugar spots takes careful timing, a slight fiddling with nature's rhythms and a delivery system that is increasingly computer-driven and...
November 7, 2008, AGBIOS
Indian farmer suicides not GM related...
Suicides among Indian farmers have not increased as a result of the introduction of GM crops, according to a large scientific study. The finding runs counter to arguments often cited by NGOs in the country such as Gene Campaign that oppose GM...
November 7, 2008, Bio-Medicine
A rice future for Asia
sleepy little scientific backwater but is in fact right on the cutt...During their five days at IRRI the students who will be accompanied ... Rice has played a vital role in Thailand's economic development not .
November 7, 2008, Taipei Times
Water wars
Its hard to imagine why humans would have chosen the achingly arid stone desert of Wadi Faynan for their first settlement. But water would have been one important reason, archeologist Steven Mithen...
November 7, 2008, Ethical Corporation
Special Reports: Water resources: Eff...
As the planet s once plentiful blue resource gets used up, companies are acting to secure supply and be more efficient users of water Kazakhstan s mapmakers have their work cut...
November 7, 2008, Cambridge Network
Scientific Alliance newsletter 7th No...
A different view of environmental issues Does Bt cotton improve the lot of Indian farmers? According to a recently published report from the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), the answer is yes, but readers of the Mail on Sunday will have seen exactly the opposite...
November 7, 2008, IRIN
GLOBAL: Doubling rice production
Photo: Consumption of rice in Africa is growing at an average of five percent per year since 1960 NAIROBI, 3 November 2008 (IRIN) - Greater investment to double rice production in Africa is needed to reduce food insecurity as well as improve livelihoods, specialists...