CIAT is a not-for-profit organization that conducts socially and environmentally
progressive research aimed at reducing hunger and poverty and preserving
natural resources in developing countries. CIAT is one of the 15 centers that
make up the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR).


From inside
(located at CIAT Headquarters)

From outside
(located outside CIAT Headquarters)



Gateway to Global Agricultural Knowledge

2007 External Program and Management Review (EPMR)


CIAT Annual Report 2006-2007
(full color, 1288 kb)

CIAT Annual Report 2006-2007
(text only, 408 kb)

CIAT's Medium-Term Plan 2009-2011
(1509 kb)

CIAT in Africa
(brochure, 278 kb)

CIAT in Asia
(brochure, 126 kb)

Four Decades: Striving for excellence in agricultural research
(brochure, 273 kb)

On-line Publications

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Women Leaders Web Site

CIAT Convention Center
Conference planning and guest house

Photo Gallery

CG Info Finder
Information from the Web sites of the CGIAR and the FAO

Latin American and Caribbean Consortium to Support Cassava Research and Development

Latin American Fund for Irrigated Rice

Consortium Tropileche
Improved Feeding Systems for Dual-Purpose Cattle in Tropical America

The Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) is a strategic alliance of members, partners and international agricultural centers that mobilizes science to benefit the poor.

CGIAR Systemwide Programs

Tropical Whitefly IPM Project

Participatory Research and Gender Analysis

Gender & Diversity

ICT-KM Program

People Power
Strategic Advisory Service for Human Resources





World Tapioca Conference 2009
15-16 January 2009, Bangkok, Thailand

Thailand is one of the world's largest exporters of cassava products and precisely Bangkok will host the World Tapioca Conference from 15 to 16 January 2009.

This Conference is being organized by the Department of Foreign Trade of Thailand's Ministry of Commerce.

CIAT Director General Geoffrey Hawtin has been invited as guest lecturer and will address the use of innovation to shape the future of cassava. Dr. Hernán Ceballos will also participate as panelist in a discussion on the potential of Thailand's tapioca industry, with Dr. Reinhardt Howeler as moderator.

More information

Tentative agenda

16 October 2008 — World Food Day

Agriculture and Nutrition: A Healthy Alliance

A Seminar for Southwest Colombia

Agriculture and Nutrition: A Healthy AllianceTo celebrate the World Food Day, the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT), the National University, and the Valle University have organized a 1-day seminar to analyze nutrition-related problems in Latin America and Colombia, with special emphasis on southwestern Colombia. This seminar will be held at CIAT headquarters on Thursday, 16 October.

More information (in Spanish).




CIAT's New Board of Trustees Elected

CIAT now has a new Board of Trustees with 11 members, five of which are new, two reelected, and the remaining four ex officio (because of their positions).

The new Board members are Juan Lucas Restrepo from Colombia, Anthony Cavalieri from the United States, Pietro Veglio from Switzerland, Luis Fernando Vieira from Brazil, and Fina Opio from Uganda.

Two recently appointed members of the former Board, Emilia Boncodin from the Philippines and Gordon MacNeil from Canada, were reelected to ensure a smooth transition with the outgoing Board. Dr. MacNeil was appointed Interim Chair.

The four remaining members are ex officio members and continue to be the Minister of Agriculture of Colombia, the Rector of the National University, the Director General of the Colombian Corporation of Agricultural Research (Corpoica), and the Director General of CIAT.

CIAT's Management Team will hold an extraordinary meeting with the new Board of Trustees in Washington during the week of 22 September. The date for the next regular Board meeting, to be held in Cali in November, will be defined at the September meeting.

Visit the Board of Trustees Web site.

New Publications

  • Innovation Africa: Enriching Farmers' Livelihoods

    Innovation Africa: Enriching Farmers' LivelihoodsThis book, edited by Pascal Sanginga, Ann Waters-Bayer, Susan Kaaria, Jemimah Njuki and Chesha Wettasinha and published by Earthscan, covers new conceptual and methodological developments in agricultural innovation systems, and showcases recent on-the-ground experiences in and lessons from related research and development in different contexts in Africa.

    The contributions show how innovation is the outcome of social learning through interaction of individuals and organizations in both creating and applying knowledge. The book brings examples of how space and incentives have been created to promote collaboration between farmers, research, extension, and the private sector to develop better technologies and institutional arrangements that can alleviate poverty. In 25 broad-ranging chapters, the book reflects cutting-edge thinking and practice in catalyzing and supporting innovation processes in agriculture and management of natural resources.

    More information

    Contact: Jemimah Njuki

  • Challenges to Managing Ecosystems Sustainably for Poverty Alleviation:
    Securing Well-Being in the Andes/Amazon

    Challenges to Managing Ecosystems Stability for Poverty Alleviation: Securing Well-Being in the Andes/AmazonThis report aims to guide research and capacity-building priorities related to ecosystem services and poverty alleviation in the Amazon basin and eastern Andes. It is the result of extensive engagement with stakeholders in the region, combined with novel analysis of secondary data on poverty and ecosystem services such as water provision, biodiversity, and soil quality. The report presents a list of priority research challenges for the region, concluding that it is far more cost effective to prevent future degradation through incentive-based schemes that empower local communities rather than force people to comply authoritatively. Commissioned by the Ecosystems Services for Poverty Alleviation Programme (ESPA), a UK-based initiative of DFID, NERC, and ESRC to promote multi-disciplinary research in sustainable ecosystem management, this study will be valuable to direct environmental-management policy at all levels.

    Download the report (1663 kb).

    Contact: Andy Jarvis

  • When Disaster Strikes: A Guide to Assessing Seed System Security

    When Disaster Strikes: A Guide to Assessing Seed System SecurityDroughts, floods, locusts, civil war, tsunamis.... When disaster strikes, threatening lives and livelihoods, humanitarian agencies must respond swiftly and decisively. Making sure people have enough to eat is usually at the top of the list of emergency measures. But that task invariably raises the important issue of seed supplies. Will farmers in the stricken area have enough seed to plant during the next growing season?

    When Disaster Strikes: A Guide to Assessing Seed System Security is a practical assessment tool. It will help emergency relief agencies and their field workers to decide whether a seed-related intervention is warranted in the first place, and if so, to design the best strategy to help farmers. The method is laid out in seven steps. Each includes how-to notes, guiding questions, and action checklists. Besides helping agencies understand and cope with acute stresses on seed systems, the guide also tackles the issue of longer-term stresses and how to take advantage of development opportunities.

    Download the manual (726 kb).

    More information

    Contact: Louise Sperling

News Releases

Ethiopia Recognizes CIAT's Work

Ethiopia Recognizes CIAT's WorkThe Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research (EIAR) has made an important recognition of the work carried out by CIAT in beans in that country, on the occasion of the Ethiopian Millennium and its 40th Anniversary.

More information



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