Today's Wonder Kids

Susan Schwartz, M.A. Ed., Clinical Director of the Institute for Learning and Academic Achievement, appeared on The Today Show with Meredith Viera, to discuss child prodigies. For more information on how to support gifted children, click here. To watch the interview, visit CSC in the News.

Talking About Job Loss with Kids

With the current US economy facing a recession, more than 1.7 million people have lost their jobs. Find out how to break the job loss news to your child.

Teens, Sex and the Media

With the flurry of recent media coverage on teen pregnancy, parents can help keep their children and adolescents informed about physical and emotional relationships, and learn about the best approaches to tackling the topic.

Talking to Kids About Politics

Media coverage of the 2008 presidential campaign is extensive and opinions differ. Parents can help kids understand the issues in a fair and unbiased way.
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A to Z Guide

Learn the signs, symptoms, and treatment options for common child psychiatric disorders.

Keeping Kids Healthy

Practical everyday information on children's mental health

Director's Corner

A welcome to the NYU Child Study Center from Harold S. Koplewicz, M.D.

About Our Kids on Sirius

Tune in and listen to our experts tackle tough topics on child, teen and family mental health.


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Summer Program for Kids

Summer Program for Kids (SPK) is an eight-week therapeutic clinical program devoted exclusively to children with ADHD.

CSC En Espanol

Dr. Silva appeared on NY1 to discuss in Espanol.