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April 2003
Text bullet USDA Seeks Comments on Proposed Regulation on
Trade Adjustment Assistance for Farmers
Proposed rule addresses the effect of price declines caused by increased imports on producers of raw agricultural commodities. Comments on the proposed rule must be received on or before May 23, 2003. (04/24)
-- Text of proposed rule (04/23)
-- Submit comments via Regulations.gov 
Text bullet Amstutz Named To Lead U.S. Agricultural Reconstruction Efforts in Iraq
Experts in various fields from both USDA and the private sector will assist in the effort. Amstutz will serve as a liaison between Secretary Veneman and military officials overseeing the rebuilding effort. (04/21)
Text bullet United States and Colombia Establish Consultative Committee on Agriculture
New committee will enhance bilateral trade that benefits both countries, setting the stage for improved communication and coordination in food safety, research and sanitary and phytosanitary issues. (04/21)
Text bullet United States and Uruguay Establish Consultative Committee on Agriculture
Agriculture Secretary Ann M. Veneman and Uruguayan Livestock, Agriculture and Fisheries Minister Gonzalo Gonzalez signed a Memorandum of Understanding establishing a U.S.-Uruguay Consultative Committee on Agriculture (CCA). (04/11)
Text bullet Senate Passes Resolution Honoring the 50th Anniversary of the Foreign Agricultural Service
U.S. Senate Resolution 106, passed with unanimous consent, recognizes FAS and its important work overseas throughout its 50- year history. (04/07)
Text bullet USDA Negotiates Reopening of Ukraine Poultry Market
Veterinary certificate for inspection of poultry shipments to Ukraine revised. (04/04)
Text bullet U.S. and Russian Officials Reach Accord on Poultry Technical Trade Issues
Agree to use different science-based approaches to comply with new veterinary standards. Russian Veterinary Service to resume inspections of U.S. poultry processing facilities immediately. (04/04)
Text bullet USDA Announces Details of Informational Sessions on
Country of Origin Labeling
Locations named in twelve states for listening and education sessions to be held April 29 - June 26 on the Country of Origin Labeling law included in the 2002 Farm Bill. (04/03)
Text bullet Secretary Veneman and U.S. Trade Representative Zoellick Release
Joint Statement on the Doha Development Agenda Negotiations
Question whether WTO members are "willing to step up to the challenge of serious reform of the world agricultural trade," a goal specified in the Doha mandate. (03/31)
-- "Not Surprised" WTO Misses Agriculture Trade Deadline (Commentary; 03/31)
Text bullet USDA Announces PL 480, Title I, Country Allocations For Fiscal 2003
Preliminary allocations total $156.8 million for programs funded under Public Law  480, Title I, and Title I-funded Food for Progress programs. (03/28)
bullet Featured Reports
04/29  People's Republic of China Draft Standards for Several Fishery Products
04/25  Global Crop Watch
U.S. Seafood Exports Slightly Up in January-February 2003
04/15  Argentina: Record Corn Yields Forecast
04/15  Ukraine: Delayed Spring Hampers Wheat Development
04/15  Uzbekistan: Winter Grain Conditions

04/15  Russia Takes Steps to Strengthen Its Meat Sector
Chinese Peanut Exports Hit Record High
Global Crop Watch
New Suppliers Displace EU in Shrinking World Flour Market
World Cotton Stocks at Lowest Level Since 1994/95 
04/10  Chinese Soybean Producers React to Changing Policies
          and World Markets
Global Crop Watch
U.S. Seafood Exports Down in January 2003
04/02  Northwest Africa: Winter Grain Conditions
China: Soy Producers Face Shifting Internal Policies and World Markets
bullet World Production, Market and Trade Reports
04/30  Tobacco: World Markets and Trade
U.S. Planting Seed Trade
04/21  Fishery Products Monthly Circular
04/18  Dairy Monthly Imports
Cotton: World Markets and Trade
04/11  Grain:  World Markets and Trade
Oilseeds: World Markets and Trade
World Agricultural Production -- PDF  Data
  Early release -- Cotton Data PDF Excel
04/03  Fishery Products Monthly Trade Data
Quarterly Reference Guide to World Horticulture: Charts Edition--Delayed
exempt USDA Schedules 2003 Release Dates for World Market and Trade Reports
bullet Federal Register Notices
04/23  Trade Adjustment Assistance for Farmers (Proposed Rule)
Notice of Request for Extension of a Currently Approved Information Collection (Regulations--Financing Commercial Sales of Agricultural Commodities under Title I, Public Law 480)
bullet Export Sales
Archival export sales reports are available from 1998 to the present.
bullet USDA Calendar of Publications
bullet Previous Month Logs
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This page last updated: Tuesday, March 14, 2006 03:11:52 PM