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May 2003
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U.S. Agricultural Exports Forecast Lowered to $56 Billion for
Fiscal Year 2003 

U.S. agricultural imports raised to $45.5 billion. (05/27/03)
Read the full report at ERS
FAS Analysis of Report Forecast
Text bullet

USDA Secretary Veneman Names Five New Members to Emerging Markets Advisory Committee

The USDA committee reviews funding proposals under the Emerging Markets Program, managed by FAS. EMP supports private and governmental projects to promote U.S. agricultural exports in emerging economies. (05/27)
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U.S. and Bahrain Announce Intention to Seek a Free Trade Agreement

First step in advancing economic reforms in the Middle East and pursuing the goal of a Middle East Free Trade Area (MEFTA) by 2013. (05/22)
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USDA Secretary Veneman's Statement on Canadian BSE Investigation

Appears to be an isolated case. USDA is placing Canada under its bovine spongiform encephalophathy (BSE) restriction guidelines. (05/20)
 -- FDA Statement (05/20)     -- Teleconference (05/22)                                 
 -- APHIS updates                     --
FSIS updates         -- More on BSE
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USDA Announces Additional Butterfat Under DEIP

USDA is making an additional 5,000 metric tons of butterfat available by invitation under this year’s Dairy Export Incentive Program (DEIP), bringing total butterfat invitations for the July-June 2002/03 program year to 10,000 tons. (05/19)
 -- Amendment 1 Invitation No. GSM 511A-54 (effective May 21, 2003)
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Rebuilding Agriculture and Food Security in Iraq

FAS is working in close partnership with other agencies in the U.S. government to assure the food security of the people of Iraq right now and for the future.
U.S. Lifts Sanctions Against Iraq (05/27/03)
UN Security Council Resolution 1483 Lifts Sanctions on Iraq (05/22/03)
Bush Administration Announces Iraq Reconstruction Task Force (05/16/03)
Business Guide for Iraq (via Export.gov)
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Two Companies Receive USDA's Export Excellence Award

Agriculture Secretary Ann M. Veneman presented Donald W. Nugent of Graceland Fruit, Incorporated, and William Kim of EP International Company, with the Edward R. Madigan U.S. Agricultural Export Excellence Award for their entrepreneurial efforts in foreign markets. The award commemorates Edward R. Madigan, former congressman from Illinois and U.S. Secretary of Agriculture. (05/16)
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U.S. and Cooperating Countries File WTO Case Against EU Moratorium on Biotech Foods and Crops

Argentina, Canada, and Egypt join the United States in filing. Other countries expressing support by joining as third parties include: Australia, Chile, Colombia, El Salvador, Honduras, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru and Uruguay. (05/13/03)
 -- More about the WTO case against the EU moratorium on biotech foods
 -- Video of announcement (05/13/03)
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President Bush Removes Economic Sanctions on Iraq

Restrictions relaxed on American companies and citizens doing business with Iraq that contributes to humanitarian relief and reconstruction (05/07)
 -- Licensing of Exports to Iraq (05/09)
 -- Key Points
 -- Rebuilding Agriculture and Food Security in Iraq 
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Advisors Named to Key Agricultural Trade Committees

Agriculture Secretary Ann M. Veneman and U.S. Trade Representative Robert B. Zoellick announced the private sector appointees to Agricultural Policy Advisory Committee for Trade (APAC) and six Agricultural Technical Advisory Committees for Trade (ATACs). (05/12)
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The United States & Canada Reach Agreement Ending Illegally Subsidized Canadian Dairy Exports to the United States

The Office of the U.S. Trade Representative and the U.S. Department of Agriculture announced an important settlement with Canada resulting in major revisions to Canada's subsidy programs for its dairy exports. (05/09)
Text bullet President Bush Signs U.S.-Singapore Free Trade Agreement
-- Joint Statement Between the United States and Singapore (05/06/03)
-- USTR Publishes Singapore FTA Text
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USDA and Russia Sign Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation in Agriculture

The United States and Russia agreed to form three Working Groups: Agricultural Policy, Agribusiness and Investment; Research, Education and Extension; and Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development. (05/02)
 -- Text of the MOU
 -- USDA Secretary Veneman's statement at conclusion of bilateral discussions
    with Russian Minister Gordeyev. (05/02)
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Exhibit Space Still Available for June Agricultural Science and Technology Expo

Opportunities are still available for companies and organizations to exhibit at the Agricultural Science and Technology Expo in Sacramento, Calif., June 23-25, but they must act quickly. The Expo will be held in conjunction with the Ministerial Conference on Agricultural Science and Technology, hosted by Agriculture Secretary Ann M. Veneman. (05/02)
Text bullet USDA Briefing Held to Discuss the Rebuilding of Iraqi Agriculture
USDA Undersecretary for Farm and Foreign Agricultural Services J.B. Penn and Dan Amstutz, U.S. Senior Ministry Advisor for Agriculture, briefed the press during a teleconference on the rebuilding of Iraqi agriculture. Audio available (05/01)
Text bullet USDA Requests Comments on Sugar Re-Export Program
Goals: Be more effective and responsive to refiners and manufacturers; safeguard interests of domestic cane and beet sugar producers; and synchronize with the 2002 Farm Bill. Comments due on or before June 2, 2003. (05/01)
-- Text of advance notice of proposed rulemaking (05/01)
-- Submit comments via Regulations.gov
bullet Featured Reports
05/30  Global Crop Watch
Jamaica: Farmers Pause to Assess Storm Damage After Heavy Rainfall
Russia: Winter Grain Conditions Considerably Below Last Year
Ukraine: Field Trip Photographs
South Africa: Irrigated Corn Increases
Ukraine: Extensive Damage to Winter Wheat
Global Crop Watch
Fishery Product Exports to the EU Led by Pollock, Lobster and Surimi
Impact of SARS on Shanghai's HRI,  Food Service and Logistics Sectors
05/20  U.S. Seafood Exports Slightly Down In The First Quarter of 2003
05/16  Global Crop Watch
Australian Wheat Production to Rebound
Heavy Rains in Argentina Delay Soybean Harvest
World's Leading Wood Product Importers (.pdf)
U.S. Wood Products Exports, 1998-2002 (.pdf)
Dominican Republic: Few Barriers to Profitable Rice Sector
EU-15: Grain Forecasts by Country
Global Crop Watch
05/13  Traditional Suppliers Regain Share of a Shrinking Wheat Market:
          2003/04 Global Wheat & Coarse Grain Outlook
05/13  U.S. Soybean Exports in 2003-04 Expected to Reach 
          Lowest Level since 1998-99
World Cotton Use Forecast Above Production in 2003/04
05/12  Northern Hemisphere: 2003/2004 Winter Grain Prospects
2002, A Banner Year for U.S. Fishery Product Exports to France
05/06  Forest Products: U.S. Export Trade Data
05/02  Global Crop Watch
bullet World Production, Market and Trade Reports
05/30  Tobacco: World Markets and Trade
05/28  U.S. Planting Seed Trade
05/27  Sugar: World Markets and Trade (PDF)
Dairy Monthly Imports
Fishery Products Monthly Circular
05/15  Forest Products: U.S. Exports Trade Data
: World Markets and Trade
05/13  Grains: World Markets and Trade
05/13  Oilseeds: World Markets and Trade
Early release -- Cotton Data
PDF  Excel
  World Agricultural Production--  PDF  Data
exempt USDA Schedules 2003 Release Dates for World Market and Trade Reports
bullet Federal Register Notices
05/13  Adjustment of Appendices to the Dairy Tariff-Rate Import Quota Licensing
          Regulation for the 2003 Tariff-Rate Quota Year (Final Rule)
Sugar Re-Export Program (Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking)
bullet Export Sales
Archival export sales reports are available from 1998 to the present.
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This page last updated: Wednesday, August 24, 2005 07:51:54 AM