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2007 Pollution Prevention Grant Program Summary



Recipient: Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection (CT DEP)
EPA funding: $80,000
CT DEP will provide pollution prevention technical assistance to Connecticut hospitals and municipalities. The project partners with the Connecticut Hospital Environmental Roundtable (CHER) to introduce such topics as environmentally preferable cleaners and sustainable construction. CT DEP will continue to partner with the Northeast Organic Farming Association to reduce the use of pesticides, energy, and water used to maintain municipal recreational fields. The project continues to publish P2 View, CT DEP’s quarterly P2 newsletter.


Recipient: Maine Department of Environmental Protection (ME DEP)
EPA funding: $83,000

ME DEP will provide technical assistance to small businesses and state agencies to reduce the use of toxic materials and conserve energy. Proposed projects include a “green” procurement program for the state agencies; self-certification programs for the auto-body and stormwater sectors that include pollution prevention; a “green” certification program for the lodging industry; and a “Governor’s Carbon Challenge” that provides energy conservation audits and recommendations.


Recipient: New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services (NH DES)
EPA funding: $72,100
NH DES will promote pollution prevention and compliance assistance to New Hampshire auto salvage yards and hospitality/lodging businesses. NH DES will continue to promote the New Hampshire Green Yards program and assist municipalities with the review of “junk yards” licenses that require best management practices. Site visits and trainings will also be provided for hotels and lodging facilities to promote “green” cleaning products and assess the progress of a 2001 outreach effort. The grant will also support the University of New Hampshire’s Pollution Prevention Internship Program.


Recipient: University of Rhode Island (URI)
EPA funding: $80,000

The URI Center for Pollution Prevention will provide technical assistance to Rhode Island industry (including metal working, metal finishing, textiles, fish/food processing, and autobody sectors) to promote source reduction. Assistance activities can include facility assessments, technology pilot testing, literature searches, and follow-up communication with companies. URI will also partner with the Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management (RI DEM) to support self-certification programs for the auto salvage and autobody sectors that result in pollution prevention outcomes.


Recipient: Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation (VT DEC)
EPA funding: $79,000

VT DEC will assist Vermont businesses and municipalities reduce pollution and conserve energy by providing pollution prevention (P2) technical assistance. By collaborating with the Vermont Small Business Development Center, VT DEC continue the Green Hotels Program, the Vermont Business Environmental Partnership, workshops for conditionally exempt generators, small business energy audits, and the annual Governor Awards for Environmental Excellence and Pollution Prevention.

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Recipient: Rutgers University, Cooperative Extension Program
EPA funding: $150,000

Rutgers University will partner with the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) Division of Water to develop a comprehensive program that will engage, organize, and mobilize partnerships with environmental organizations, universities, municipalities, garden clubs, purveyors and retail organizations such as landscapers, garden centers and home improvement stores to help educate the public about water conservation. Rutgers, through its partnership with NJDEP, will work with local governments to develop and implement water conservation ordinances for indoor and outdoor use and to provide State-level regulatory support by amending the Bureau of Water Allocation rules to require a more comprehensive and action oriented Water Conservation and Drought Mitigation Plan and by implementing legislative initiatives to provide support to local municipalities while implementing ordinances. Rutgers hopes to reduce overall water use by 10% in New Jersey within three years of the project launch.


Recipient: Buffalo State College State University of New York
EPA funding: $113,942

Buffalo State College will conduct pollution prevention training for hospitality department and geography and environmental planning programs, awarding internships to 10 students who will perform P2 assessments at 10 hospitality facilities under the supervision of the Erie County Pollution Prevention Office. Assessments will be multimedia, addressing such areas as maintenance, grounds upkeep, housekeeping, food service, waste generation, utilities, purchasing, heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems, lighting, meetings and conferences, etc. In addition to source reduction, bonus items providing considerable savings through recycling, reuse, etc. will be pointed out, and green hotel issues will be addressed. Additionally, a select group of local businesses will receive training on the systems approach to P2 to continue pollution prevention and cost reductions after the program has ended.


Recipient: Puerto Rico Solid Waste Management Authority
EPA funding: $96,658

The Puerto Rico Solid Waste Management Authority (PRSWMA) will implement a pollution prevention project to raise environmental awareness in Puerto Rico’s hospitality sector. PRSWMA will partner with Puerto Rico Hotel and Tourism Association, Puerto Rico Energy Affairs Administration, Puerto Rico Aqueduct and Sewer Authority and other partners to disseminate information about water conservation, energy efficiency and waste reduction to the hotels and inns. PRSWMA will then select ten hotels and inns which will be visited and monitored for their environmental practices. These hotels/inns will establish environmental management systems and will serve as examples of best management practices for Puerto Rico’s hospitality sector.

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Recipient: Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control  (DE DNREC)
EPA funding: $79,038


Recipient: Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (VA DEQ)
EPA funding: $80,000

Recipient: Wytheville Community College
EPA funding: $27,000


Recipient: West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection (WV DEP)
EPA funding: $79,000

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Recipient: Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FL DEP)
EPA funding: $63,096

Green Lodging, Phase III will measure environmental improvement projects implemented by candidate hotels and support activities during P2 Week. Those activities include a statewide workshop and activities in the six DEP districts. The expected outputs are 1 statewide workshop, 30 district events/workshops with 3500 participants and Radio/TV viewers of 300,000.


Recipient: Georgia Pollution Prevention Assistance Division (P2AD)
EPA funding: $69,998

Support the ongoing P2AD Partnership Program and starting of a retired engineers program to expand multi-media technical assistance. The Partnership Program is in it’s 4th year and funds will be sued to provide training and multi-media assistance to partners, this will include EMS training. The State is planning to start a retired engineers program modeled after the Waste Reduction Partners in NC.


Recipient: Kentucky Department of Compliance Assistance (KY DCA)
EPA funding: $76,000

Support a joint effort of the Compliance Assistance Division and KY Pollution Prevention Center to support Kentucky’s EXCEL program and conduct P2 and Energy Efficiency activities. Outputs expected are 25 P2 and E2 assessments; 10 new EXCEL members; establish 10 EMS teams and provide technical assistance information to 50 businesses.


Recipient: Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality (MS DEQ)
EPA funding: $61,000

This project supports the following four separate activities: 1) starting up an Environmental Stewardship awards program; 2) P2 for batch mix concrete plants; 3) P2 Sustainability; and, 4) Auto Body Initiative. The stewardship program, concrete plants and auto body initiatives are all new start-up programs.


Recipient: North Carolina Department of Environmental Natural Resources (NC DENR)
EPA funding: $70,000

This project is to continue support for the Environmental Stewardship Initiative (ESI) and focus on the following activities: continued support for ESI program management; expansion of ESI outreach to DENR regulatory staff; and, evaluation of expanding ESI to the agriculture sector.


Recipient: South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (SC DHEC)
EPA funding: $67,477

This project supports the following activities – wastewater self-assessments; the Environmental Assistance Conference, the Environmental Excellence Program; technical assistance site visits; Stormwater Brochure; promoting partnerships and development of the “Handy Guide for Environmental Assistance”.


Recipient: Tennessee Department of Environmental Control
EPA funding: $68,529

This project will support the P2 Partnership (TP3); the P2 Roundtable; TP3 Green Schools; greening the government activities; and, participation in the school chemical clean-out programs.

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Recipient: Illinois EPA (IEPA)
EPA funding: $77,000

IEPA in partnership with the Waste Management and Research Center (WMRC), will continue "The Cutting Edge Partnership" to promote pollution prevention and other improved environmental strategies to machine tool facilities to reduce the environmental impact of metal working fluids. These strategies are multi-media, including source reduction, design for the environment principles, green purchasing and innovative in-process recycling technologies.


Recipient: Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM)
EPA funding: $76,000

IDEM will work with facilities that are adopting continuous improvement in their manufacturing processes to also include pollution prevention initiatives. This will help ensure that manufacturers include environmental considerations in their production efficiency improvement programs.


Recipient: Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ)
EPA funding: $76,000

MDEQ will advance environmental stewardship programs through the development and distribution of targeted, specific Pollution Prevention information via workshops and Webinars. Emphasis will be given to cross-sector activities where more than one industry will benefit from the information.


Recipient: Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MN PCA)
EPA funding: $82,000

MN PCA will continue to build its capacity for pollution prevention (P2) regulatory integration through a combination of projects and program development activities to address specific regulatory issues with prevention-oriented solutions. Projects include: Publicly Owned Treatment Works Phosphorus Reduction Initiative; Lake City Low-Impact Demonstrations; P2 Regulatory Integration Communication Strategy; P2 Technical Assistance Capacity Building; and Program Evaluation and Systems Development.


Recipient: University of Toledo
EPA funding: $82,000

Coordinate the Ohio Statewide Environmental Network to provide comprehensive pollution prevention (P2) planning and implementation efforts statewide. Activities include training seminars in source reduction techniques and direct P2 technical assistance including environmental management systems, clean manufacturing and energy efficiency assessments targeted to small and medium size manufacturers.


Recipient: University of Wisconsin
EPA funding: $83,138
Coordinate WI P2 efforts for three projects: 1) Healthcare for a Healthy Environment including piloting a student intern program to assist hospitals; 2) P2 training module for fertilizer and bulk storage facilities; and 3) Evaluation of BMPs for hazardous air pollutant (HAP) area source categories.

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Recipient: Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ)
EPA funding: $43,500
Through voluntary efforts, such as education and training, ADEQ can encourage businesses to change operating procedures to ensure that polluting chemicals, including many toxic materials, are reduced or eliminated from the manufacturing process.


Recipient: New Mexico Department of Environmental Quality (NMED)
EPA funding: $72,307

Focus on small businesses, expansion of the Green Zia and P2 Partnership Program, statewide distribution of the NMED P2 video, continued training for healthcare fac. and a continued collaboration with the City of Albuquerque on dental amalgam and mercury removal.


Recipient: Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality (OK DEQ)
EPA funding: $72,308

The Oklahoma Pollution Prevention Program (P2P) will provide P2 training to encourage the business community, municipalities, agencies of the state and environmental community to reduce waste generation through source reduction and sound environmental management.


Recipient: Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ)
EPA funding: $ 72,307

Enhance existing P2 efforts, support risk-based sector initiatives and achieve agency P2 integration. Lead State agency in TX responsible for state’s water quality, air quality, and municipal, industrial, and hazardous waste.

Recipient: University of Texas at Arlington (UTA)
EPA funding: $133,678

The UTA Texas Manufacturing Assistance Center and the Southwest Network for Zero Waste plan to work with industrial facilities and their partners to help them achieve ISO 14001 registration and to educate them in the State of Texas on Environmental Management Systems.

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Recipient:  Iowa Department of Natural Resources (IDNR)
EPA funding: $142,217
The State of Iowa's Pollution Prevention Services program provides confidential, non-regulatory technical assistance to Iowa businesses, industries, institutions, and government agencies. The program will be reviewing the implementation of recommendations provided to prior clients; providing on-going outreach/technical assistance to the food processing providers; participate in the joint activities of the Business Assistance Providers (BAP); and, provide assistance to organizations in the reduction of Persistent Bioaccumulative and Toxics (PBT) and priority chemicals including hospitals to reduce mercury levels.


Recipient: Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE)
EPA funding: $159,214

KDHE with the Kansas State University Pollution Prevention Institute (PPI) provide technical expertise and outreach programs to businesses and communities as well as multi-media pollution prevention assistance to the small business community. This grant provides funds for an environmental conference; sessions targeted at ozone attainment; newsletters; and, an internship program for the application of pollution prevention in product development and production operations at participating industries.


Recipient: Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality (NDEQ)
EPA funding: $92,669

Incorporating sustainability into business pollution prevention assistance in Nebraska. Project will involve P3 (Partners in Pollution Prevention) program which is an intern program where students are trained in P2 and then assigned to businesses to help them identify P2 opportunities.

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Recipient: Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE)
EPA funding: $91,700

The CO governor issued an Executive Order that requires state agencies to implement greening government policies and programs that enhance efficiencies and minimize environmental impacts from state agencies. CDPHE will continue to develop and enhance its internal EMS to improve CDPHE’s business practices and to minimize its impacts on the environment. CDPHE will recognize and reward environmental leadership in achieving environmental goals.


Recipient: Montana State University Extension Service
EPA funding: $91,000

The MT State University Extension Service will 1) create a community sustainability coalition to define steps and strategies to define and priorities community assets and barriers to sustainability; 2) take the lead to design and test regionally specific solid fuels for residential and industrial boilers; 3) recognize at least 30 MT businesses, individuals, organizations and/or communities for the EcoStar and the MT Small Business Administration Recognition Programs; 4) encourage MT hospitals to participate in the MT H2E waste reduction initiative; 5) increase usage of the MT Material Exchange Program; 6) provide pollution prevention information and resources to businesses, Tribes, consumers, and agencies; and 7) encourage agricultural classrooms/labs to adopt pollution prevention best practices and reduce pounds of pollution.


Recipient: North Dakota Department of Health (NDDH)
EPA funding: $40,000

The NDDH will require companies working under contract with ND’s abandoned auto program to properly remove automotive-related PBTs, coolants, and fluids before crushing, dismantling, or sending the auto scrap metal to smelting companies. NDDH will work with communities to divert wood waste materials to beneficial reuse projects.


Recipient: Utah Department of Environmental Quality (UTDEQ)
EPA funding: $80,000

UTDEQ will 1) implement the “Tools for Schools” program to help schools with chemical inventory, purchasing practices and reduce school bus idling practices; 2) provide technical assistance for tracking energy efficiency, greening the government and reduced vehicle usage practices; 3) implement a mercury switch program with Auto Salvage Association; and 4) recognize environmental performance and business innovation.


Recipient: Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality (WYDEQ)
EPA funding: $91,400
WYDEQ will contract with Manufacturing-Works to assist WY small businesses in identifying and implementing pollution prevention practices, assist in increasing the number of hybrid electric vehicles in the state’s motor pool fleet, and work directly with purchasing agents within state government agencies to implement environmentally preferable purchasing practices.

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Recipient: Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ)
EPA funding: $80,000

This project will identify Toxic Release Inventory (TRI) facilities that have not yet filed P2 plans with ADEQ and then provide Pollution Prevention technical assistance to increase their level of chemical and waste reductions. This will be accomplished by identifying target facilities by comparing TRI and P2 databases, holding P2 planning workshops, and on-site technical assistance visits.


Recipient: California Department of Toxic Substances Control
EPA funding: $92,000

The recipient will explore ways to reduce chemical and hazardous wastes associated with cleaning of reaction vessels in the chemical manufacturing process. Key tasks include: recruiting chemical manufacturing facilities to work with; evaluating current cleaning practices and products; researching alternative cleaning methods and products that have lower toxicity or emissions; evaluating alternative approaches in pilot facilities in terms of efficacy, pollution reduction and cost; and disseminating information on alternative to other facilities.

Recipient: The Port of San Diego
EPA funding: $100,869

The recipient will reduce or eliminate the need for copper coatings on boats in the Shelter Island Yacht Basin (SIYB). The recipient will also investigate and evaluate different coating application methods, which may be required for effective use of alternative coatings.


Recipient: University of Nevada at Reno
EPA funding: $130,000

The recipient will provide assistance through facilitating the development and exchange of information, showcasing pollution prevention activities occurring in EPA Region 9 and assisting program development and innovative P2 approaches in each of Region 9 states.

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Recipient: University of Alaska, Anchorage
EPA funding: $99,997

The University of Alaska at Anchorage will use these resources to provide pollution prevention technical assistance to businesses, rural and tribal communities, and to build upon an existing university intern program that trains students in pollution prevention technical assistance techniques. The University will also support several pollution prevention networking and outreach efforts.


Recipient: Idaho State Department of Environmental Quality (IDEQ)
EPA funding: $102,094

IDEQ will deliver pollution prevention technical assistance to businesses, document improvements, and produce an environmental guide for local governments to use.


Recipient: Oregon State Department of Environmental Quality
EPA funding: $92,000

The recipient will accomplish two Pollution Prevention (P2) assistance to business projects: (1) the Oregon auto body sector outreach project will provide Spray Technique Analysis and Research (STAR) training and equipment to autobody community college instuctors who will then provide training to businesses; and (2) the Oregon Schools Idle-Reduction Project modeled after successful projects from other states.


Recipient: Washington State Department of Ecology
EPA funding: $100,000
Washington Department of Ecology (WDOE) will partner with the Washington State Hospital Association to provide on-site audits and pollution prevention (P2) technical assistance (TA) to hospitals, develop best management practices to support TA and develop P2 web content for hospitals. WDOE aims to virtually eliminate mercury from hospitals, reduce regulated medical waste by 30% and assist hospitals to implement the new Washington State Pharmaceutical Waste Management Policy.

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