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EPA is responsible for carrying out the requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). NEPA requires federal agencies to document the environmental impacts of proposed actions in an environmental assessment (EA) or environmental impact statement (EIS). EPA's Mid-Atlantic region reviews proposed actions for federal agencies in Delaware, the District of Columbia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia.

Mid-Atlantic NEPA Links

Mid-Atlantic NEPA site listing

NEPA Team Members

Environmental Impact Statements:
   Projects reviewed / comment letters
   Mountaintop mining / Valley fills

Scoping requirements
   Scoping/Environmental Assessment checklist

   MATE (Mid-Atlantic Transportation and the Environment) - Introduction 
  The MATE process    (print version only -PDF, 3.22MB, 67 pgs, 11X17" format) (about PDF)
   MATE charts
(PDF,4pg,134K 11x17" format)
   MATE process chart index
   MATE process framework guide introduction
   MATE data needs guidance and data sources  (print version only -
PDF,10pg,154k)(about PDF)
   MATE tools
   MATE definitions
   MATE acronyms

Significant Projects - Transportation: 
   Executive Order 13274
   Intercounty Connector
   Philadelphia International Airport

Significant Projects - non-transportation:
   Non-native oyster in Chesapeake Bay
   Mountaintop Mining / Valley Fills (MTM/VF)
     Draft EIS,
     Final PEIS & Comment letters

Low Impact Development

Technology & Tools:
   Envirofacts Data Warehouse
      - Store front

Geographical Information System (GIS):
      FHWA & GISExit EPA Click for Disclaimer
      FWS - National Wetland Inventory Exit EPA Click for Disclaimer
      Automated Geospatial Watershed Assessment (AGWA)Exit EPA Click for Disclaimer  
      Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program (EMAP)

NEPA Sites
Picture:Highway construction project

The following links exit EPA:
Exit EPA Click for Disclaimer
    Dept of Energy
     Dept of Trans
   U.S. Army Corps Of Engineers North Atlantic Division

Significant Projects

Mid-Atlantic Region Home Page || Mid-Atlantic EAID

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